Stage Dublinness -a Roy 🐐 Curtis education

Kerry to do it for the poor yank in a coma. Fuck the jackeen scum.


Kerry will lock up shop and get it done through Clifford buying frees and claiming marks .

Dublin by 4


Stephen Calnan hardly a man to drive enduring memories of Cork football…


On a bay - a sacred Sky Blue sod - at Anna Livia’s mouth, the Gods created paradise.
They called it Dublin.
Ath Cliath.
A Celtic Nirvana.
Our land. And the land of our fathers’ before us.
The soil that makes us who we are. Eden.
Home of Heffo and Gavin, Behan and Joyce, and Luke, the ginger bard who sang a song for Ireland.
Here, three castles burn, the eternal flame of a nation city.
Where we were raised on songs and stories.
Samuel Beckett, the Diarmuid Connolly of the written word, was bewitched, describing with with eloquence this place of alchemy: “Dublin is not just a place, it’s a feeling, an experience that says with you forever.”
The town of Fenton and Con, Jack Mac and Cluxton.
And King James, our warrior prince, our defiant Hercules, an unbending giant, the man you would want your boy to become.
Today, the tapestry of identity will be unfurled above Hill 16.
The Sky Blue flag of belonging. And some of us, watching these gladiators enter the coloseum, will remember fallen loved ones.
And shed a tear of love.
A city will stir and unite, a tribe marching into battle behind its inspirational chief.
Today the gods will pin a ninth battle ribbon to James McCarthy’s lapel.
They will invite him to join them atop Mount Olympus.
Their equal.
And the blood of Dublin men and women will run fast and proud.
For this is what it’s all about.
This is who we are.
Ath Cliath.
Our land.
Family, friends…



That’s beautiful from Roy.



When can we expect Roy’s observations on the proceedings today?

Bumped into Joe Hayes on his way

The stomach pump in the mater was out of order last night

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He just gets it.

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No more words need to be said, close the book on this year’s Championship

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Utter Scutter

I hope this Roy cunt is penniless.