Statistical Nerds Thread

A video that explains exponential growth vs linear growth in simple terms

Not a true exponent unfortunately.

an interesting one, which probably shows the effects of measures on the number of deaths.

Sweden, with no measures have been at a higher trajectory than Denmark and Ireland from very early on. Denmark seem to have got a handle on the deaths despite looking worse than us early on, which is probably why they are looking at easing restrictions earlier than us, interesting that we crossed their path around the 200 mark.

Sweden very much looks to be an outlier.


what is happening in Belgium? They are very much in trouble

Nursing homes

Sweden and Belgium have similar populations, yet Sweden is out performing despite not “locking down”

Sweden hasn’t much more than Double our deaths, with double our population.

Your graphs are a bit pointless really since they don’t take population into account.

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The Swedes believe they are counting more deaths than others in care homes.

The Swedes have larger care home facilities than the others, with the Danes not building as many nursing homes anymore (apparently) focusing on home care.

Will be interesting when it all shakes out what the rates are on a look back.

Indeed, it’s funny how one proves the other but in another case it’s “what’s going on?”.

Lots are desperate for the Swedes to have failed. It’s not like they haven’t done anything either.

I haven’t been following Belgium mate, hence the question.

The fact you think anyone is desperate for anyone to fail is pure cuntery.

I’d love for the Sweden model to work if it meant we can come out of lockdown.

Well the point is above there, you say that one result provides one thing and just ask what’s up with the other. :man_shrugging:t2:

I asked what’s up because I didn’t know what restrictions they had in place in Belgium. Where did I say Sweden’s was a failure? You’re very much hoping Sweden succeed to prove your point in argument against lockdown, which is grand, but in doing so, you’re projecting the opposite on me… don’t do that.

Sweden has almost 5 times the deaths of Denmark with double the population.

And less than Belgium

Belgium is fucked… they fucked up somehow, has their ICU been overwhelmed?


“Probably” shows the impact because you are looking for what you want, ie confirmation bias

Which is factually untrue, why keep saying it?

You’ve also stated here that Sweden are going to have to lockdown harder and for longer based on their deaths? Where’s the evidence of that?

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Probably because I don’t know for sure. I’m presenting the data raw and giving my interpretation of it.
for no measures, read no lockdown.
that’s an opinion based on what we’ve seen with a similar strategy in the United Kingdom.

I’m rooting for Sweden, really I am, but I’m also fearful given what we’ve seen in the United Kingdom. Belgium locked down on the 9th of March and look what’s happening there.

But as mentioned the Danes have different care for the elderly in place. The Swedes are also slightly older in demographic terms.

Sweden are also very confident that others are not counting all deaths - I would guess it would be even harder to pick out elderly deaths at home from corona than in care homes given how asymptomatic the elderly appear to be. So let’s wait until the real figures shake out.

The Swedes had reported cases far earlier than Belgium.

The 8th of March is now 6 weeks ago exactly, at some point you have to move on from thinking of the absolute worst.

History will judge Sweden very positively for how they’ve handled this

and Belgium had deaths far earlier, probably to do with proximity to France, Germany and Italy.

The UK and Sweden have by far the most deaths outside of mainland Europe.

Austria have done remarkably well considering they have a land border with Northern Italy