Statistical Nerds Thread

But that’s the thing. Are the Swedes just better at counting the deaths? Or are they counting too much? Are Austria omitting things? Very hard to grasp for definite as there isn’t uniformity in how the data is collected

you can only go on the data you have. They are the released deaths from each country.

I agree. But I still wouldn’t read anything definite into them.

there’s nothing definite about anything and there won’t be for a year or two after it.

All I’m doing is looking at the data (one variable) we have and trying to spot trends.

Well several Asian countries managed to suppress it without shutting down their entire societies.

Different measures work at different stages and different t places.

Belgium has 383 people per Km/sq, Sweden has 25. Only 500,000 in the difference for population

They were prepared and had rapid testing and tracing practices. Everywhere else was caught with their pants down and were trying to ramp up ICU and testing/tracing labs in a hurry.

Now, Sweden could have a large scale, high volume, quick turnaround testing and tracing setup, which would mitigate the need to close down sections of the economy, that would still need to be backed up with a functioning health system and large ICU capacity if they are going for the herd immunity approach

If they manage to get the herd immunity achieved, without having to go into lockdown and without crippling their ICU care, they’ll have achieved what every other country in the Western World couldn’t.

*just checked and we’ve carried out almost double the amount of tests per million than Sweden has.

They’ve got a death rate of 10.7% to confirmed cases
We’ve got one of 3.8%

Nobody had testing until nearly the end of January. Taiwan is the best example of containment. They stopped all travel from China end of December, only allowing Taiwanese in and tracked them for illness. The problem for them is they will never be able to lift restrictions until / if a vaccine is found.

The UK acted too late but I think the time between talking about herd immunity and abandoning it was one week.

the UK actually locked down before Ireland, but I think Ireland took it more seriously for the week or two leading up to lockdowns, closing schools etc. I think the populations behaved very differently based on the reporting and messaging from politicians. Plus the population density in London was always going to be a nightmare

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Any big city with packed public transport is a nightmare. A phenomenal number of people must have been infected by mid March in London, Paris, New York, etc.

Sorry but this has little to do with your claims that they will need to lockdown harder and for longer, there no evidence of that.

1,500 deaths is not fantastic but it is not near the catastrophe suggested- not even close. The idea that you fear for them now because look at Belgium 6 weeks ago locking down does not pass the smell test. There is an incubation period for this virus but it is going to be clear in 6 weeks whether you will be at the same level. Also, as pointed out over and over again, we need to see the real final death tolls when all of this is said and done.

And Sweden have introduced measures, just not as hard as other places. Some places have been a lot more draconian than Ireland even, “lockdown” is a relative term.

We are looking now at reopening schools but they are petrified to make a decision so will wait and see.

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there is no evidence for that you sap. That’s an opinion. OPINION.

I fear for them because they clearly haven’t been testing enough, they haven’t locked down like their neigbours and they are going for an approach other people have abandoned weeks ago.

Explain this one? Who’s we and who’s they?

That’s an awful mess of a post

I think we will look back on this and realize an early short lockdown then social distancing guidelines, hygiene and masks would have been the most balanced approach. Along with very strict control in nursing homes, care homes and hospitals. Easy to say now I know but we had enough information in early February, as in the high R0 and death rates among the elderly in Wuhan.

Failing to act early is a huge stain on all western governments and has resulted in widespread unemployment and destruction of small businesses far worse than 2009. Hopefully the opening up will be managed a bit better.

I think the biggest things to come out of it will be focus on health care capacity, also on maintainable testing and tracing processes and the focus on ramping these up quickly on demand. There’ll be a big focus on being pandemic ready in the future, to try and mitigate against even short lockdowns. Test/Trace/Isolate

The opening up is going to be really difficult, opening up locally is manageable, but how do you coordinate it between countries, if one place is still doing poorly and others are opening up, are you going to have travel bans within Europe or within the United States between two states for example?

The biggest thing that needs to come out of this is total transparency from all countries when a new pathogen
appears. Something that was agreed after SARS in 2003 but made no difference when the time came.

Our country. There is clear evidence that our hospitalisation and ICUs are dropping or stable. We have some of the highest testing stats in the world. We have expanded ICU capacity which hasn’t been needed thankfully. We might not be all the way there on what the authorities want, but where is our roadmap? Why is Simon Harris just musing in the SINDO? Sports organisations and pubs have come out now on their worries over his idle statements. People and industries want and actual plan in place. Harris is dipping his toe in the water on opening up as he is terrified of being blamed- other countries have published their roadmaps. The EU have made suggestions, I’d like to see some sort of plan from here.

What is your opinion based on on Sweden? You’ve latched onto testing now as your saving grace. What about ICUs? Hospital admissions? Previously you were going on about deaths with them and people demanding a lockdown.

I mean you’ve said on here they’ve done “nothing”, which isn’t true. It’s weeks and weeks now since the apocalyptic scenes in Italy and the suggestions other places might get that way. It looks like we’ve avoided it, but it also looks like they’ve avoided it in Sweden. Just going on about a “fear” there means nothing.

Over and over you’ve just cherry picked one stat and ran with it without looking at other variables. The 200 deaths as a takeoff point was another. It’s bizarre and you just default to calling people names when it is debated.

He also defends the CCP which is unforgivable given what those lying bastards have done to us.

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I’ve never defended the CCP, I’ve just called you racially prejudiced.

Criticism of an evil totalitarian regime is not racist.

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Ireland’s deaths in comparison to other similar sized European countries

(based on worldometers stats )