Statistical Nerds Thread

Are you four years old? Or do you just have the mental age of a four year old? :smile:

Iā€™m trying to figure out what heā€™s shiteing about. I think he is trying to say the POTUS is a ceremonial position, only when he does bad things.

All the more reason to care about Italy, as that was the source of the early outbreak in Ireland and the source of the outbreak in the eastern US.

Did you agree with the US government stopping travel from China at the beginning of February? Do you think Ireland should have acted earlier to control travel to and from Italy?

The US president has limited powers, you donā€™t seem to grasp this basic fact.

Yes and yes, I thought Ireland should have been stronger on travel restrictions from the start and was ridiculed for it on here because of the economy.

Neither does he and heā€™s the POTUS

It doesnā€™t matter what he thinks, and yes he was elected POTUS, another fact that some people are in denial about.

So we are in agreement, excellent.

But youā€™re basing success on a falsehood

And so is Trump. Heā€™s doing a great job. Ten out of 10.

I see he is pushing the China did this deliberately angle now.

The fucking hilarious thing is how the lunatic is trying to bring the EU into it. The EU is a group of sovereign nation states in which healthcare is a national competency in each. The US is a nation state and the President has immense power, especially an aspiring dictator like Trump. There is literally no such equivalent figure in the EU. He doesnā€™t understand the political structure in his owwn country, his adopted country, or the EU.

The USā€™s response has been categorically the worst of any developed country, the worst of any country in the world relative to resources, the lunatic knows this full well and heā€™s absolutely seething that his bullshit is seen through by normal, rational people.

The gas thing is that the Chloroqueen constantly proclaims his love for America. If he loved America, heā€™d be calling out the traitourous creeps that are running the country into the ground at every opportunity. He never does because he takes all his views from far right junk sources and has zero ability to think critically.

Once again, you are mischaracterizing what I said, which makes me think youā€™re another Sid alias.

You are agreeing with me, the travel ban was correct, but it was not early enough nor extensive enough. Americans were allowed fly home and were supposed to self quarantine, another mistake. Do you know how many travel normally between the US and China, itā€™s a huge number daily, there are dozens of flights in and out of SF alone daily.

Forget about what Trump says, judge the US government on itā€™s actions, which were negligent at first and have slowly improved since early March. Sad and all as every death is, if the final US death toll is 60K as is now projected, clearly a lot was done right. Considering the initial projection was 2 million deaths. We also havenā€™t seen the hospitals and health system overwhelmed as several people on here were projecting. Maybe something to do with having 32 ICU beds per 100k, compared to the EU average of 6-8?

Hi Sid, everybody is Sid, especially if youā€™re you

Sid is inside your brain and eating it away

Not much to eat away, mind

Iā€™ve somehow found myself as a conduit for you two to argue through and itā€™s not a place Iā€™m comfortable in.

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Thereā€™s no argument with him though, youā€™d be as well off reading Trumpā€™s mindless press releases because all his posts are just a copy and paste job.

I think he sees me as your surrogate. Bizarre.

Heā€™s like Israel a gentle prod is met with much destruction

He literally cannot believe that other people would have different views to him. And thatā€™s been true ever since he started posting here. There genuine shock and offence he takes at other views is hilarious.

Heā€™s the intelligent personā€™s idea of a stupid person.

Sorry mate, my intent isnā€™t to totally destroy you.

I leave you off for a while to gather yourself.