Statistical Nerds Thread

One eyed criticism is. You’ve never acknowledged the good things they’ve done. Like sharing the genome, sending doctors to affected areas etc.

Trump wants a totalitarian regime and you won’t criticise that bar calling him a joker and a clown. But the CCP are evil. Square that circle

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Accusing someone of racism is a serious charge which needs back up, and you have none. Any good things China has done (which is debatable, PPE that’s useless?) are outweighed by the fact they covered up and lied about this outbreak for a month. If they were interested in global health and preventing a pandemic, they would have asked for help in mid December. Instead they were still saying in late January there was no evidence of human to human transmission, which we know was utter bullshit.

It doesn’t matter what Trump wants, or doesn’t want, his is one branch of government subject to checks and balances, and subject to the will of the people in November. To compare the US with communist China is simply delusional stuff, exposing you as a Sidney lite, not a great look.


Lots of lads want to think it’s really bad, but show me the equivalent of a regional boss in China speaking out against President Xi

Maybe even an attack ad from a Presidential opponent or Xi against him?

Oh wait, we won’t find either.

And I suppose Joe Biden is racist for saying that Trump kowtowed to Chi-na.

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America has checks and balances which trump is looking to undermine and sabotage and you call him a joker and a clown. Trump lied as much as China did at the start of this. He praised China’s transparency, he called the virus a hoax…

One lie is evil and one is a joke. Square that circle

The two are in completely different leagues

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Both contemptible, hopefully checks and balances continue checking and balancing

Is that FAKE NEWS?

You’re a terrible reporter


I’ve the countries sorted by km/sq, good to keep in mind when looking at the numbers

@labane1917 isn’t racist, he just always sides with racists and consistently uses blatantly racist framing.

Calling for Islam to be banned isn’t racist, it’s just racially motivated religious hatred!

Or something something.

It doesn’t matter what Trump wants, the system works. He wanted to build a big wall and congress refused to fund it. He wanted to ban travel from certain countries and the courts blocked him. He was investigated by the DOJ. He was impeached by the House. Last week he thought he had certain powers and was reminded that wasn’t the case. Do you see any of this happening in China?

I have consistently said Trump, Boris and other western leaders did not take this threat seriously and should be held accountable for that. However, your blind spot only allows you target Trump and Boris but not leaders that you are more aligned with politically. Was stopping travel from China to the US on February 3 a good idea or not? At the time it was described by many as racist, something you no doubt agree with. If anything it was too late and not enough as visitors could enter through other countries. When did Ireland stop travel from affected areas? When did Spain or France?

You suffer from Trump derangement syndrome and cannot actually think logically on these questions. Other than his core support, which is probably about 10% of the population and varies by state, nobody in the US takes anything Trump says literally, we are well used to his nonsensical rambling at this stage. However, that does not mean that there’s a majority who think he wants to see more people die, or is personally more responsible for deaths than others. By and large US actions since January have been driven by the scientists and governors, not by Trump.

Go back and listen to what Fachi, Cuomo etc. were saying from early February to early March. there’s plenty blame to go around. Nobody in the west took the threat seriously until they saw the deaths in Italy and by then it was too late.

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There are no checks and balances in China, anyone who protests gets locked up or run over by a tank.

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Tis’ amazing the tizzy some lads here get into when people mention what’s happening in their beloved America, it really is.

It’s like if somebody wished death on their wife from cancer or something.

How do you know what my political alignment is?

I’ve focused on Trump and Johnson because they were the only two in my sphere of interest who played down the virus publicly and consistently.

So you care more about the US than the rest of the EU? Even though the direct impact on Ireland came from EU countries, especially Italy? What an odd position to take.

How exactly did you sort it? I’d be fairly certain that Russia is bigger than Iceland

Divide the population into the sq/km. Russia be huge man

I have family in the United States. I don’t in Italy

A typical @labane1917 post:

“The EU is evil, the US is perfect, Trump is GREAT, he’s so strong and macho, and you disagree, so you’re a lunatic, you’re a COMMUNIST!!!”

Then repeat x 1749328.

How many EU leaders called the Coronavirus a hoax, mate?