Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

Stairway to Heaven? Im off to it next week


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Yeah, stairway to heaven. Smashing he says

I stayed in Fermanagh too, a hotel sort of thing but with inflated bubbles for rooms just off the lake. Novelty of it was nice. Good grub too

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did you got to an activity park? if so, which one?

Didn’t tbh, just mooched around the lake area for a day

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Which is best beach for chislers. Lahinch or Kilkee?

Kilkee is more cosy and calmer water, Lahinch can be a bit wild


Definitely kilkee. Far calmer. Can take them to the pollock holes too which is great.

I’m a much bigger fan of Lahinch but if its little ones youre with, kilkee certainly calmer

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Make sure and wear your Galway jersey when there so lifeguards know theres no real need to deploy resource for the constant diving while visiting.


Are there any eateries/cafes in Kilkee?

Keep in mind, both will be absolutely packed in a heatwave. Parking can be a mare, especially Lahinch.
As mentioned above, Kilkee definitely safer with kids also.
White Strand Doonbeg another good option.
As is the White Strand outside Milltown/Spanish Point (but parking very limited here too).

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We’ll be going in the am so hopefully will have been and gone by the time it gets too busy.

Check the tides

No point bringing kids to Lahinch at a full high tide. You’ll just be ating ice cream on the prom


None of real note tbh. Decent chipper halfway down on the right.

Myles Creek does good pub grub but not sure what craic is if not staying there these days.

Am heading to kilkee Sunday myself.

You can rent out one of these in Lahinch to hide under.



A lot of people I know heading for week holiday starting this evening so parking be at a premium all hours Id imagine.

Two birds with one stone could be here:

If going early and grub, the cafe at the Pollock Holes (large rock pools you can swim in) is decent. Parking there too and if tide gone out, be safe in here with the young uns for dip. Nice to explore too.

Pleasant walk from there to the town, about 15 min walk, if youve buggy armed and ready.

Go to Nolan’s for a roll.

A top, top deli.

I’m off to Sligo tomorrow for a week. Cant wait. Kids are super-excited.


Was there myself twice last week. Cloudy both days but the water was beautiful

We did an afternoon of surfing in Bundoran. Brilliant craic, the boys loved it, so did I, highly recommend it.

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