Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

Must be a chaper alternative out there.

let me know if you find it.

Foodtrucks ffs, what a gimmick that the simple paddy would lap up, 17 quid for an organic burger and halloumi chips :sweat_smile:


They were always on the go. Just upped the prices and made the portions smaller


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The prices are scandalous in fairness … even coffee is a joke these days… you’re paying near 4 euro for a coffee ffs


Where are you talking about? I’ve eaten at a few food trucks recently and thought the prices were great.

Food is expensive no matter where you go, a regular quarter pounder in McDonalds or a double burger in supermacs is well north of a fiver now

I’ve clocked places around selling a burger/wrap or whatever with a side for 15-20 quid… I agree food is expensive - the cost of living in Ireland is no joke and it’s only gonna get worse after 18 months of printing money to pay for a bad flu.

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where do the lads cooking the food go to the jacks and wash their hands?


Chip vans are now food trucks.

Paddy is ripe to be ripped off really.


throw in a bit of salad with a curry chip and paddy calls it a food truck


We’ve no major food culture historically in Ireland so we’re happy to be exploited in the name of being suave

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12 quid for two lattes in Lahinch and some lads are happy to pay it, and wouldn’t they, siting at home for nearly 2 years on full wages


Mungret man?

and Paddy will pay it too. Shur look at the two lads up in Greystones…

20 sounds like a lot, I’m not really into gourmet burgers but I suppose with chips 15 isn’t insane,
In the last few places I’ve been you’d have been well fed for 8 euros a head, in Ennistymon everything was less than a fiver, in Letterfrack a meal for 2 cost 14 euro.

I like the idea of lads doing a couple of things really well rather than the typical Irish pub menu where everything is fairly shit and costs more. The bonus is that when the weather is decent you often get to eat in nice surroundings, supporting local business etc

Needs to be secret shopper style though. No sponsored post type shit.

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No. Dublin.

Gillen is my presumption?


Youre fucking wrong. Sling your hook.