Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

None really get the cheapest option out of SNN

Thatā€™s it as well. Iā€™m only interested in Shannon with the kids. We flew from Dublin earlier in the year and it was a pain in the hole


I did a week in Lanzarote a couple of years ago.

I know people who love but never again for me. Concrete and more concrete, filled with fake Irish bars.


Between everything Iā€™ve been to all the Canary Islands, all pretty much of a muchness. Best one for me was Tenerife, has a bit of everything for every age group. The one Iā€™d like to go back to is Fuerteventura. We were there at the height of the financial crisis so it seemed a bit quiet. They appeared to be well set up for activities and were putting a lot of faith in wind surfing etc.

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I remember when I first start posting on here I was getting recommended the best rave spots on the continent.

Now itā€™s which island has the best jungle gym for toddlers.

Time moves fast.


Itā€™s in Africa , and thatā€™s a lot of peopleā€™s experience of ā€œSpainā€.

Iā€™ve been to the Canaries a few times, never Tenerife to be fair, but itā€™s mostly the same

Each to their own obviously but Iā€™d wonder why people always go back to the same places, Iā€™d like to see different places, itā€™s a big world



About as Spanish as a pizza

Youā€™ve belted that into the back of your own net there lad

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Iā€™m 50 years old, Iā€™ve been on hundreds of holidays, Iā€™ve been to Gran Canaria twice and Lanzarote twice, both at least 15 years apart in each case, and theyā€™re big islands.
But you do thatā€‹:+1::+1:

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Though your general point is true. Iā€™d love to go back to Vietnam but itā€™s so far away and would take so long that Iā€™d feel like Iā€™m missing out on a new destination.

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My real point was directed at people who go back to the same resorts and drink in the same pubs, eat in the same restaurants etc etc

Go back to Vietnam

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Yeah. Some people like it. They spend two weeks lying by a pool. I suppose if thatā€™s what you like it makes sense to just keep going back.

Maybe I will someday but Iā€™d like to see other places.

Well when you can afford to go on hundreds of holidays it opens up a lot of options.

Some of us are only lucky enough to go on one holiday a year so with a young family itā€™s often a choice of convenience over anything else :+1:


Ahhh, you poor misfortune :worried:

You sound like a great dad pal, donā€™t let them put you down


Gutted I wasnā€™t in dingle last night

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