Staycation - Limerick's hard on for anything Kerry

I knocked over a grand off a house one year by getting around the booking agent to the owner directly. Some cut to be taking.

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I’d often do that on or airbnb (bit harder figure out how to contact sometimes).

Ring them up direct and say look it’s €150 a night on how much for direct and cash.

You’d always knock something off, they are happy, you are happy. Win win

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A lad I know in Kilkenny more or less just uses Air Bnb for advertising and then reaches out to people directly after they try to book him. Air Bnb will block him f he gives his phone number so he’s invented a phonetic one to get by

Off to the K club tomorrow, silver anniversary present from the childers, golf on Sunday morning, grotesque cost, we’d get a week in Lanza for the same.


Reduce the bill to 169k


Payback for all the college funding.

Ye’d book a week in Lanza yerselves anytime. You wouldn’t book yourself into K Club. Lovely gift.


True, would never go there otherwise

Sending him to the K club with his own money. :smiley:


Lanza is a kip.What is limericks infatuation with that place.I was there once,that was enough.


Does the missus play golf? It’s a nice spot there all the same

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Sure don’t they go play golf in Lanza with Dickie Rock every year


Would Dickie be inclined to spit on them for old times’ sake?

Opinions pal we love Lanza

Yes, off on our trip to Spain in 2 weeks for the 3rd year in a row

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And Red Hurley last year along with Ronan Collins and Anus McAnally

Red Hurley is a bollix and a tight cunt. The other boys are sound i reckon.

He’s circling the drain like Dickie, not able anymore

Wha? I don’t know anyone other than @Bod95 that goes there

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Is there a difference between the islands. They all seem the same to me. Planning a bit of winter sun myself. Canaries the only easy option really

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