Stephen Nolan, Wexford Hurler

Working as a ‘dating coach’ for kama lifestyles.

Basically, lads pay €300 to attend a seminar giving them tips on how to pull women and then get brought out to a pub/club to try to put what they’ve learned into practice.

Fucking hilarious. Check out, then click ‘bootcamps’, scroll down and watch part of Stephen’s lecture.

I can imagine James Ryall giving one of these in Kilkenny. The most ridiculous thing in the world ever.

Jesus Christ. :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

[quote=“Bandage”]Working as a ‘dating coach’ for kama lifestyles.

Basically, lads pay 300 to attend a seminar giving them tips on how to pull women and then get brought out to a pub/club to try to put what they’ve learned into practice.

Fucking hilarious. Check out, then click ‘bootcamps’, scroll down and watch part of Stephen’s lecture.

I can imagine James Ryall giving one of these in Kilkenny. The most ridiculous thing in the world ever.

Jesus Christ. :wink: :smiley: :D[/QUOTE]

dear fucking god, that’s atrocious

is that the cult that jugs ranb away with ?

Am I really seeing this?

right, right right, ok

The course was very good, I must say.

Nolan: How would you get a girls number?
Randomer: I’d ask her for her number
Nolan: Thats good

What the fook?

I didn’t believe it til I saw the videos. Holy God.

Stephen “Hitch” Nolan.

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color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=“true” width=“425” height="344]

Comfort my hole, righ

Stephen Nolan, Wexford hurler, demonstrates how to get a bird’s phone number:

No no, no, surely not.

That is about the maddest thing I have ever seen.

Isn’t he still in college?

itll be booked out in now time now with ye lot… what a load of cock and balls…

He’s a trainee teacher - he’s doing the camps at weekends or something.


Meet the rest of the kama team:



The more I look at it the more I think it’s a pisstake. :smiley:

i has to be a college project or something isnt he still in ucd like

1:30 in this video - Stephen Nolan, Wexford hurler, displays ‘how to stop a moving target’:

It must be a pisstake, i mean seriously…

This is the real deal, dunph. I’m proud to be the first media outlet to break the story and would like to place on record my thanks to the anonymous source who tipped off TFK.