Stephen Nolan, Wexford Hurler

seriously…take a deep breath kid…what type of pedigree of woman would you think falls for the ‘high five’ technique?..would you call it an accomplishment going around a packed pub trying that out until it worked…or is it just the laws of probability…

High five, what a technique!

I wonder does he also have a masturbating furiously technique?

[quote=“myboyblue”]High five, what a technique!

I wonder does he also have a masturbating furiously technique?[/QUOTE]

If he does I wouldn’t say it’s as good as mine


pre nite club or post nite club?..there’s defo a lot more ferocity in the latter…(i’m talking about myself here of course)

That’s probably true of most people I would say

Ya but its like anything else. You might have no qualms paying someone to improve your golf swing, set out a training programme for you etc etc. But most men spend half their lives thinking about hot women and how they could die happy if they could score them. Kev might pop up how he pulled Andrea Roche though I think he confirmed he didnt dick her so it doesnt really count :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not pay someone to help them realise their dream? 300 quid to transform a total loser to one who is comfortable around women is a bargain. I’m thinking of our uncles, granduncles, Bandage, Puke who were bachelors their whole lives and probably never had sex once. How awful must that be?

You dont have to do everything that the likes of Strauss, Nolan etc suggest but you would be a fool not to pick up on the many subtle hints that they are suggesting. A really easy one is if your going up talking to two girls. One hot and one minger. There always is. Your approach should be to talk to the minger and almost ignore the hot one. The hot one will know that she is better looking than her friend and will be getting fairly pissed off that your not paying her attention. Gradually you can bring her into the conversation - kind of tease her. Then end up the conversation and head off and say to them you will see them later. When you bump into them later in the night the minger will have told the hottie what a great guy you are etc and your half way to scoring the hottie. I havent been single since longer than I can remember but one of my best mates relentlessly used techniques like this is in college and pulled I’d say 90% of the nights he was out.

This thread has taken an interesting turn.

It certainly has - KIB Man seems to see himself as a Nolan-like figure.

you shouldn’t be so insecure in yourself and feel the need to always have a girlfriend…believe in yourself…as for your mate scoring 90% of times…even if you look like your face was set on fire and then put out with a golf shoe, there’s always a member of the opposite sex just as desperate…:smiley:

Ya I think high five is a bit too obvious but it all about them feeling comfortable touching you. Listen its all psychology.

Girls are hornier than men generally and want to have a partner and sex. As Nolan says why else do they spend three hours getting ready, going shopping, waxing their boxes and all the other shite. Is it so they can look in the mirror. No it aint. The hot ones dont want to make it easy for every random joe soap to score them but if there is a bit of mystery about ya and you seem like fun then your in with a chance. Someone has to be their object of their affection. Why not you?

I’m too hungover to think of a joke linking pedigree with pedigree chum and dogs and all that.

A few of us actually talked about setting up his kind of yoke in college so fair fucks to Nolan for having the balls to do it. Round the time of Wedding Crashers, what was that film with the ‘your so money you dont even know it’ speech with Vince Vaughn. A few of us read the game aswell so it was hilarious seeing it being put into practice. The results were pretty immediate

[quote=“KIB man”]Ya I think high five is a bit too obvious but it all about them feeling comfortable touching you. Listen its all psychology.

Girls are hornier than men generally and want to have a partner and sex. As Nolan says why else do they spend three hours getting ready, going shopping, waxing their boxes and all the other shite. Is it so they can look in the mirror. No it aint. The hot ones dont want to make it easy for every random joe soap to score them but if there is a bit of mystery about ya and you seem like fun then your in with a chance. Someone has to be their object of their affection. Why not you?

I’m too hungover to think of a joke linking pedigree with pedigree chum and dogs and all that.[/QUOTE]

women spend more time getting ready so they can out-do eachother…why you think it takes your bird so long to get ready for events like a wedding??..just for you is it? for hornier than men…i doubt many women would pleasure themslves as much as men do on a weekly basis…they are more needy alright…not hornier…out of curiosity what age are you?..

I don’t like it when people lie on the internet. :smiley:

swingers .

Hated cunts who went around quoting that film.

The point about birds spending time getting ready etc is a good one. Put a bird on the spot and she will eventually admit that the reason they wear revealing outfits etc, is basically to impress lads.

Women pleasure themselves all the time I reckon, I’ve got the info out of a few of them after I persisted on the topic

No, its ordinarily to outdo other birds.

Yeah - to impress lads more than the other bird can.

I’ve come to the conclusion that looks in a lad are immaterial. Women in their mid 20s anyway arent too bothered and their clocks are ticking. Type Neil Strauss into google and look at the state of him yet he had rode how many hundred women.

Ya to be fair to that lad he used get bollixed drunk sometimes and literally try to chat up everyone woman in the nightclub - fucking hilarious we would be in stitches laughing at him. He used to say it was a numbers game but could pull stunners when he put a bit of thought into it.