Steven Gerrard Retires

From International Football.

3rd highest cap winner for England, just behind Becks. I’m sure @tasotti and @Manuel Zelaya will have a few nice words to say about Stevie.

I wasn’t aware there was a doc made on him… Was ITV4 tonight… Think it’s an Amazon one.

Love him / hate him, it’s well worth a watch … It’s about his 26 years at Liverpool.

Yes, He slipped at the end.

His appearance on the Jamie Carragher podcast was very good mate. He was very open. Still seems to be haunted by ‘the slip’

He also said that Roy Keane was the best/toughest midfielder he came up against in EPL, rating him higher than Vieira, Scholes, Lampard, etc.

The doc is worth a watch - very open about his insecurities and pressures that haunted him all his career. … He was a quiet enough fella really that had the club put on his shoulders.

Did his loyalty to the club survive the death threats that kept him from moving to Madrid?

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You’ll have to watch the documentary to find out.

It was Chelsea mate.

Different death threats

The Madrid Ultras can be proper cunts alright

According to Didi Hamman, Rafa wanted rid of him the time he was edging towards Chelsea. Rafa wanted the money to rebuild, much like Klopp used the Coutinho money.

Dunno why he blames himself. He was instrumental in them getting so close in the first place. Had Rodgers not binned Reina and replaced him with Mignolet, they probably would have won it. If Liverpool win the league this year that song won’t be sung by opposition fans again.

It will actually mike because he is widely hated by most other English fans for being a horrible orange hun bastard who never won the league.


The Ciarán Whelan of LFC so to speak.

You packed a lot of inaccuracies in to such a short rant. It’s a song to taunt Liverpool fans about having not won the league that year. It won’t be heard again unless Gerrard comes back to Liverpool as manager. Gerrard is a RC.

Does everything on this board have to be turned into petty sniping and point scoring?

Reina hadn’t made a save in about two years the fat arsed cunt . Mignolet had a decent first season at Liverpool and cost them fuckall, even saving a peno from Tory Jon Walters in his first game .

He was wonderful in that season by the way Mike. Rodgers must be credited with that, putting him in the ‘quarter back’ role

At his worst, Reina was still a far superior goalie. I’d credit Rodgers with very little for what happened that season.

Fuck off you bin dipping cunt.