Steven Gerrard Retires

He is a horrible hun cunt? Yes
He never won the league? Yes

I think you’ll find I was spot on there, mike.

Listened to the podcast there with Carragher — Nothing ground breaking in it — You can tell there’s a lot of respect for Celtic there with half his family being Irish…But He’s a football fan more than anything, that comes through in most of his interviews - Surprised he picked Keane as the best he faced in England but Scousers dont see themselves as English so he’s not guided by the tan blinkers most of them have.

Openly talks about the ‘slip’ too — said his whole body went numb - thinks about it every day since. That’s literally mental - but scousers, like Irish people, are very emotional creatures and wear their heart on their sleeves… I didnt realize until the doc last night that he had an epidural in his back just to play in the Chelsea game - He knows he should have sat the game out and i’d say it kills him.



Sorry, typo corrected now… it was hardly that funny a typo mate.

The song won’t be sung next year because Gerrard isn’t at Liverpool anymore.
He is hated by English fans because’e he’s a scouser.
He is not an orange hun, he’s a RC.

There were 4 statements and the only accurate one is that he never won the league. Maybe 1 from 4 is above average for you?

Rangers cunt?


I’ll bet you 100 million pound that the song will be sang next year, I can absolutely guarantee it. Being a horrible hun cunt is a state of mind, you naive man. I was bang on the money once again, mike.

I find that paragraph very comforting to read.

@Horsebox has the boys reeling here.

Says the lsd who turned the cancer thread into a bitch fest about hurling

That’s because as a nobody you are full of hate and to make yourself feel better about being a nobody you get joy from seeing successful people fail… It’s standard MO for many Irish people really so dont put yourself out about it now that i’ve pointed it out to you pal.

Sectarian hatred is a state of mind for bigots. Most English bigots’ hatred is reserved for a different religion so you were way off that they hate him because he is manager of Rangers. It would actually endear him to English bigots so you couldn’t have been more wrong.

First off, no I didnt - secondly - Dont be so stupid.

Why are you such a bigot?

Dodgy copy of doc here @caulifloweredneanderthal

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It’s so cute the way you go out to bat for all things Liverpool regardless of the context. Interesting podcast about Steven Gerrard? :roll_eyes:

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Look at you getting all worked up after you came in trying to get others worked up… relax, mate – i’m only hopping your balls.

I’m seething here.

It will pass mate.