Stick hurling: Parental Guidance advised

one of the greatest diving cunts a field has ever graced.

John Gardiner = Tramp
Noel Hickey = misunderstood

A few fellas did a bit of shadow boxing for an hour or two, harmless aul fare enough


@iron_mike , you gave those lads a good schooling by the looks of things.

Poor @flattythehurdler must have been on the Sherry yesterday judging by the state of his posts. :flushed:

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The Limerick ex Munster rubby lads like @POTUS and @grapes are still dancing a little jig of rage 24 hours later.
The squarehead needs to get his troops back goose-stepping in unison.

Grapes is busy mashing the keyboard :slightly_smiling_face:

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You’ll eventually be alright flatballs. I don’t know when but sooner or later you’re bound to begin to feel better.

24 hours later Flatty still has the lads reeling.

Spare me the snide racism.

@flattythehurdler and the rest of the galway lads will be in some form tonight after yet another loss.


They’ll blame the rough Dublin boys I suppose


The lads are livid over a day later :grinning:
Cracks are widening. Poor oul kiely, it’s no wonder he gets upset when he faces the backlash

What dirty stroke did Baker ever pull?

He literally broke the hurley off a players legs at full stretch as the player ran past him. That’s a red and has always been a red, in any era. Your defending of Hickey’s strike on Mike Fitz the same. Your argument for that incident not being a red card appears to amount to “it was a clever calculated foul and therefore not a red, and he could have hit him harder”. And in the same breath you refuse to acknowledge that the Kilkenny team of the time were let off with significant amounts of dirty strokes, or at least offences that were clear red cards. It’s a bizarre effort at an argument you’re making.


Eoin Cadogan would be the most fouled man in hurling.


No, there is nothing bizarre. I am calling those incidents as they were, not as how begrudgery would like to paint them. Tommy Walsh mistimed a pull. That type of thing is not a sending off offence. Unlike you, I gave spoken to Gizzy Lyng about that incident.

I said NH could have been sent off. What more do you want me to say?

Where is your outrage about Gerry Quinn, John Gardiner, Pádraic Maher, Íarla Tannian? You have none. And therefore you have no credibility.

Are you short of sight?

Buy glasses and have another go.

Would you care to tender a list?

Oh come off it he was on the ground and broke a hurley across a player’s legs as the player ran past him with the ball in his hand. That is not a mistimed pull, was he trying to pull on the ball in the other player’s hand?

How can you expect anyone to take any contribution from you seriously on this subject after such a ridiculous statement?