Stick hurling: Parental Guidance advised

Sure you listed three memorable incidents there yourself and then denied all of them.

You are talking nonsense.

Let us hear you on GQ, JG, PM and IT.

Whataboutery is not a defence.

Give us your list, you spoofer.

Spoofer? After your mistimed pull comment? :joy:

You are talking shite.

Whatever you do, travel not to Australia. You will be eaten alive by that plague of mice.

So describe the incident for us. When was the last time you viewed the footage?

You accuse someone of talking shite and follow up with that??? :joy:

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Address the issues raised or go west of Sydney.

You are oh so upset about supposed dirty play, if a Kilkenny player is involved. But not upset at all, if a Kilkenny player is not involved. I think everyone has worked out the real story here.

Address the issue? I pointed out the issue to you. Take the plank out of your eye and you’ll see it.

The dirtiest trick Tommy Walsh used was the helmet push move. While it wasn’t grevious it gave him an advantage under the dropping ball.

Tbf, it was a gem of a trick that went mostly unnoticed for years. It caused Benny Dunne to react in 2009.

Other IC players I’d know have also commented on him trying it with others.

That’s not dirt thought just gamesmanship. No different to grabbing a Hurley or tugging a jersey as a player starts a run

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You said that a Kilkenny player should have been sent off numerous times but was not. Yet you instance only two moments.

Translation: you are talking shite.

Íarla Tannian broke TJ Reid’s kneecap with a completely off the ball pull in the replayed 2012 AIF. Yet this belt, one of the dirtiest in the game’s history, worries you naught.

You have no credibility. And you are ignorant.

Hence I said dirtiest trick & not grevious.

Cute fucker all the same.

Fair enough – but illegal play rather than dirty play.

Dan Campbell has covered it.

John Hoyne, Derek Lyng and Richie Hogan were sent off during the Cody era – and deserved to be sent off.

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He could catch the ball over Dan Shanahans head too and Dan never wore a helmet.


Harmless enough fare, @flattythehurdler picked up the pace at one stage (which was nice to see) and sent the Limericks into a tailspin


The trick couldn’t work then shur :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Poor @glasagusban is getting the smack down treatment now.

cc @Fran

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This is whataboutery. Not a defence. Try stick to a point.

Care to expand on your arguments for why the strikes with the hurl we mentioned weren’t red cards? Of course not, because they were both stupid and ridiculous. And now you’re flailing about trying to bring anything else into the conversation because you can’t stand over the nonsensical things you said a little while ago.

Tell you what, post up the video of the “mistimed pull” incident there for us, so we can all see how ridiculous that comment out of you was.

Respectfully, I enjoy your articles and some of your posting, but you are very one eyed and some of your comments in this series of discussion are just laughable really. The Kilkenny team of the era we are talking are still the greatest hurling, actually GAA, team of all time, in my view. And they got away with an outrageous amount of dirt.