Stick hurling: Parental Guidance advised

The papier mache heads are circling


The NOGRA lads are squealing like pigs here.



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Still the galway players can’t achieve it in the championship

fishing method GIF

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Can’t blame them really. Bullied off the pitch by youngfellas in 2018.

Ye should all change your avatars to Seamie Flanagan. That would really get us going.

You shat yourself in injury time in 2018.

Doesn’t say that on the roll of honour.


McInerney put on his arse by a young fella. The ref had to intervene to prevent Joe being mauled by Kyler.

Couldn’t wade through all the posts here, but a few things

  1. to me JJ Delaney is the best back I’ve seen. Sean Finn is very, very good and may well surpass him but I think it’s too early to say
  2. I think each one of us has a hurler in our minds that is “dirty” because of what they did in certain matches against our own county. For me, it was Jackie Tyrrell for his cowardly charge into 21 year old Callanan in 2009 final. But he probably wasn’t a filthy hurler. I don’t think he would have tried that on with Eoin Kelly.

Likewise, I’d imagine a cohort of Kilkenny people would have Paudie Maher down as a dirty hurler because he lost the plot and should have seen the line in 2012 (he told me himself that match was a big regret of his). Since then, his record has been quite good on that front (I would say Ronan has a little more dirt in him).

Re Tommy Walsh, I used to think he was dirty early days but I think he was using all the tools at his disposal. He wasn’t the biggest of lads so I’m sure from an early age, he had to have a bit about him. And in fairness when he got that wallop off Benny Dunne, he was back off the ground before Dunne had his helmet closed.

I think Gardiner was dirty enough alright. Definitely the dirtiest Cork hurler of that era in my mind, but they were a clean enough team.


Agree. Way too early to be comparing Finn to JJ, a bit ridiculous even at this stage, JJ is an all time great.

Don’t think Gardiner was that dirty. More snakey really. Was inclined to collapse like a sack of spuds at the merest hint of a dunt to try and get a fella sent off.

Tommy Walsh was the best stand up hurler of his generation. He could play it any way you liked.


If Finn can avoid injury & continues his current trajectory he will go down as the greatest.



Agreed, he was far from an axe man but devious enough. The kind of lad that just the sight of him would wind up opponents. More snakey than bad minded

They’ve come out all guns blazing alright

I am sticking to the point. That sticking to the point does not suit you is not my problem. The interesting topics to discuss involve grey areas rather than black and white issues. I said directly that Noel Hickey could have been sent off in 2007. I repeat: what more do you want me to say? The interesting point, the grey point, is why he was not sent off, as I attempted to parse.

Meanwhile you are speaking from a position of ignorance and bias. The fact you still attempt to claim that Tommy Walsh deliberately struck Brian Gavin in 2011 – in face of clear footage that indicates otherwise – says a great deal. You have an immature fixation with Kilkenny and you are quite prepared to make a fool of yourself on foot of this fixation. So be it. I have no remedy, if even clear footage acts not as remedy

You are letting on to be concerned about dirty play in hurling. Yet you have nothing to say about Gerry Quinn’s assault on a player’s eye, the filthiest incident in 21st century hurling, or Íarla Tannian’s completely off the ball thuggery in 2012. By comparison with these two incidents, Noel Hickey and Tommy Walsh are only in the hapenny place. You are ignorant and you are biased and you have no sense of perspective. The laughableness and the oneeyedness are all yours. All on all, you are lucky that I am a patient man.

Thank you, by the way, for the partial compliment but the sentiment is neither here nor there. The interesting grey areas remain the interesting grey areas.

Shut up, you fuckwit. Stick to the right wing shite. You at least have more than one ciarĂłg there.


Íarla Tannian must be gone really high up in the UN at this stage, on back of his ability to unite warring factions. Himself and Andy Smith were so generally hated across the country that many Tipperary hurlers sent good wishes to the Kilkenny camp before the 2015 AIF.

Fair play to Íarla. He might have been a bullock in maroon but he must look fair good in light blue.