Stone Roses: 20th Anniversary

Sure mate, i’ll take one off you.

Two reasons why I can’t see that happening.

i) I’d be surprised if a Friday Slane was allowed, there’s never been one before.
ii) Oxegen is on that weekend (I think).

I’d say it’s more likely they’ll headline Oxegen. FFS. Slane would be miles better.

Jaysus, having seen what they’re going for on ebay I might just sell on there.

July 13th in Slane seems to be the one alright.

This. Will. Be. Epic.

Despite swearing I’d never go to Slane again after Oasis.
I’d go for that.

about what? crazy statement.

Some job to get tickets though.

When will they be going on sale?

I absolutely adore this song. Was a staple of mine as a young adult gentleman.

Was I imagining things this morning or is this really happening? 5th July 2012, Phoenix Park?


:pint: :clap: :guns:

Got my ticket for this this morning. Get the fuck in there!!!

Got my tickets as well

+1. Will be stocking up on the obligatory adidas gear closer to the time. Ah lovely.

Better off stocking up on pills and weed

TASE has me sorted for e’s and whizz

I’ll probably head down on the bike on the day and pick up a half price ticket.

Why do you say that Sid? Is it or will it be sold out?

Not a sell out to the best of my knowledge.

Got my tickets as well

Same here.

Mad for it.

Don’t think it sold out yet.