Stories for Joe

A place to break stories that will soon be on


jesus Rocko…

This week on

A marriage proposal at the Galway Races that will warm your heart.

Rihanna and Taylor Swift’s hilarious Twitter argument.

Somebody overheard a conversation on a bus and really wants to get in touch with one of the conversationists. Can you help?

The new kicking your best friend up the arse Fr Ted-style viral video craze that’s sweeping Ireland.

A tackle by a dog on a GAA pitch that’s the best thing you’ll see all week.

Ireland’s new away jersey for the Rugby World Cup is beautiful.

The cat in Westmeath that CAN’T WAIT for the Rugby World Cup.


This week on

These Mayo fans were going completely mad as they watched live coverage of the semi-final against Dublin on a tablet while attending their friend’s wedding in Italy!

The heartwarming tale of the American tourist who wants to adopt a stray dog she found on the streets of Dublin. But the authorities won’t let her bring the dog home. Can you help?

A video of yet another hilarious song about being on the dole being sung by a drunk on a bus.

The Irish rugby team throw an amazing surprise birthday party for one of the squad - but can you guess who it is?

Watch this video of the hilarious parrot who speaks entirely in Father Ted quotes!


This week on

See you all in Copper’s this Saturday - IF YOU CAN GET IN! Well known Dublin night spot Copper Face Jack’s is expecting its biggest weekend EVER as two sell-out blockbusters will fill Croke Park to its 82,000 capacity this Saturday and Sunday. A spokesman for the Harcourt Street venue says they’re expecting queues longer than those for tickets for the Dublin-Mayo match itself! Will we have a few missing Copper’s Daddies this time next year?!

This touching good luck video message to the Irish Rugby World Cup squad from one of the players who missed out on selection will melt your heart. But who is it from?

Being manhandled by the Gardai didn’t stop the pitch invader from the Dublin-Mayo replay from having a good night - and we’ve got the photos to prove it! Glad to see his disappointment didn’t last too long as he posed with fellow supporters in Supermac’s afterwards!

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Joe has outdone its self.

Could you copy up the article to spare us sending them traffic?


That’s cringe x 1000000000000.

That is awful truly awful. I’ve off to the COTY thread, but before I go, some highlights from a writer who obviously had read Clear and Present Danger in the not too distant past

what happened next was the most significant and influential operation in relation to drug trafficking in Irish waters.

The red pin is the approximate location the ship had to get to.

it wasn’t an exercise, it was the real deal.

Live bullets. This was escalating.

Paddy McKenna of 2fm (the gimp who presented that insufferable Weekenders show with Ruth Scott) is the editor of He left 2fm last weekend to concentrate fully on his role. Fucking hell.

Is that where he went? Fuck sake, I thought he’d lucked his way into a real job. He’s an insufferable sort of cunt. Is he from Leitrim or somewhere of that ilk?

I’ll give the man a small break as if I had to look at the below every weekend I’d probably go work for joe too

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RTE seems to be crammed with likely bully victims from their school days. Weirdos.

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Look at what these Joe cunts are encouraging now

JOE, with thanks to Lidl Ireland, will provide you with food, drink and Lidl’s Ireland rugby merchandise.

The only catch is that we would like to film all the highs and lows of your viewing experience to show just what Irish supporters go through while following their team.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, just fill out the form below.

FFS. Society is fucked. Royally fucked.

If its anything like our slot for the Seoige and O’Shea expect to receive one frozen pizza (uncooked) from Lidl and 4 cans of Tuborg.

It did seem rather non specific and prizes are’esque in their level of shiteness.

I thought Paddy’s show got canned as rick o’shea was downgraded to the weekend afternoon slot.

I always wondered what happens to their pay when radio presenters are shifted over to the weekend. Surely it’s a serious cut in wages.

Today on

A Sky Sports News presenter calls Dublin the All-England football champions and Twitter can’t take it!

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