Street for Christmas Party Venue

What street do you want the Christmas party to be held on?

Once that has been established we can look at the different pubs on that street.

Cross Street. has all the good bars for Xmas party, Buskers, Neachtains, Front Door, Myles Leeā€™s, An Tobarā€¦

I went for other. Just to keep our options open.

Again, I canā€™t look past the final option. Thereā€™s probably a street within that category Iā€™m quite fond of so Iā€™m pretty happy to go with that.

So are we ruling out the other options - Dame Street etc?

That might be dangerous.

Well, not really. What Iā€™m saying is that we shouldnā€™t exclude the ā€˜otherā€™ options. If none of them are better then Iā€™d be happy to go with one of those individually listed.

Why isnā€™t Georges Street a poll option?

Also you have put in Camden and left out Wexford and Aungier.

When lads are contemplating voting for me as IOTM I hope they take a minute and reflect on what a shambles the organising of the TFK Christmas party wasā€¦Fuck sake is there nobody on this forum that has any experience of being a project managerā€¦

the only thing for sure round here is that this party is already up shit street!

Whereā€™s the fucking northside options ya prick? Just off the boat from Leitrim and not long picking and choosing the parts of Dublin you aspire to. Nothing wrong with north of the Liffey for those of us who after to retire to Fingal or Meath afterwards.

cough cough, ehhhh, prediction competition ahemā€¦

and I dont think any one person has taken up responsibility for running this, so do you want us to vote for every member as IOTM?

sure why dont you organise it yourself pukester, seeing as youā€™ll probably have the biggest crowd hanging with you.

Why would you want to be a Project Manager Puke? Thereā€™s usually some wannabe Apprentice contestant floating around every office and itā€™s best to put your feet up and leave that gimp with the hassle of having the PM role. Itā€™s actually a role dancarter fills in our place.


Bad selection of streets in fairness
Whereā€™s Georges St, Leeson St, Temple Bar?

For shame


[quote=ā€œGmanā€]cough cough, ehhhh, prediction competition ahemā€¦

and I dont think any one person has taken up responsibility for running this, so do you want us to vote for every member as IOTM?

sure why dont you organise it yourself pukester, seeing as youā€™ll probably have the biggest crowd hanging with you.[/quote]

Too late in the day for me to be organising itā€¦Plus I will probably be just hitting the spots my mates want to go toā€¦

The Prediction competition had a few kinks that needed to be ironed out Gman and I expect next years model to be far more streamlinedā€¦But this is not the first christmas party or social gathering organised by TFKā€¦And there are 2 main protagonists in this farceā€¦

Whatā€™s needed here is a Warrior Puke!!

well why wasnā€™t the organising of this prestigious event given to DanCarterā€¦

Heads should roleā€¦

I wonā€™t have time to grow a manky moustache to go to a pub on the north side.I also only know 2 or 3 ways on how to kill a lad with a pool cue and Iā€™ve no idea how much the latest lacoste runners are. Iā€™d be lost up there.
Baggot street is full of knobs too.
I like going out on baggot street but thats becuase I fancy myself as being a bit of a knob.
Yours etc,

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]well why wasnā€™t the organising of this prestigious event given to DanCarterā€¦

Heads should roleā€¦[/quote]

I meant dan fills the role in the company we both work in Puke rather than on TFK.


Clare idiot.



Clare idiot.[/quote]

fnarr fnarr.

[quote=ā€œBandageā€]I meant dan fills the role in the company we both work in Puke rather than on TFK.


Clare idiot.[/quote]

I was well aware of that:rolleyes:ā€¦thats why he should have been given the gig as the TFK project manager on this task, since he has real world experience of what it takes to organise a team and get things doneā€¦