Street for Christmas Party Venue

Do they even have Christmas in clare?

couldnt expect Bandages lacky to be made accountable for such a big event as this puke? Christ, it would be ruined, probably ending up in some pokey bar where everyone gets kicked out and then ending up in some over priced nightclub packed to the rafters with fat ugly ones looking for a ride.

We doā€¦But we do it a bit differently than our Tipperary neighboursā€¦Instead of having ham sandwiches and segments of orange for the christmas dinner as the tipp crowd do, we normally have a full turkey and ham but we wouldnā€™t be as frugal as the tipp crowdā€¦


You donā€™t get asked or invited to organise this gig Puke. You fooking demand to do it. Thatā€™s what you do.

Whereā€™s the initiative? Whereā€™s the innovation?

Wonā€™t somebody please either think of the children or think outside the box?

Puke i heard they all gather round the tree on Christmas morning singing carols as they remove the tinfoil from the hang sangiches mammy made for them the night before, they then fold it up to be put away for the championshipā€¦ thats ryhat!!!

[quote=ā€œBandageā€]You donā€™t get asked or invited to organise this gig Puke. You fooking demand to do it. Thatā€™s what you do.

Whereā€™s the initiative? Whereā€™s the innovation?

Wonā€™t somebody please either think of the children or think outside the box?[/quote]

Just to reiterate Heads Should Rollā€¦FAS wouldnā€™t get away with this craic:pā€¦

Roll Puke.
I let you away with it the first time.


I was talking to a tipp lad who is fairly flush and he told me he is pushing the boat out rightly this yearā€¦Not just hang sandwiches but also Egg and Onion as wellā€¦How pretentious;)

Apologies for being a lackey to the CEO and several board members Bandaid. Apologies for having the wherewithall to keep all my ducks in a row on an ongoing basis.

It must be noted that you are a lackey (and not even his no 1 lackey!!) to a fella (wouldnt even call him a team leader) who I would barely ask my lackey to deal with he is so far down the food chain.

You personally are so far down the food chain that you have been entrusted with organising your department xmas party, true or false?

You must be worried that your soon to be defunct department will employ the LIFO method soon.

That should be ā€˜smokingā€™ carols, not singing them!!

[quote=ā€œPikemanā€]Roll Puke.
I let you away with it the first time.[/quote]

Noted and edited Pikemanā€¦

Tip of the cap on the sigā€¦Jesus that ad is mental:D

Iā€™ve done worse. Alot worse.

Yours etc,

[quote=ā€œGarda Sean Horganā€]Iā€™ve done worse. Alot worse.

Yours etc,

Chalke it fucking down ladā€¦

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]well why wasnā€™t the organising of this prestigious event given to DanCarterā€¦

Heads should roleā€¦[/quote]

What role should the heads take? Project Manager? Dont be correcting my grammar when you spell every third word wrong ye inbred coont

Is that Charlie Chalke? Or his brother? Or the pub or Petrol station?

I hope you havenā€™t done much worse Garda Sean Horgan.

Thats grand so Mac, you have showed which way your bread is butteredā€¦You started this tit for tat warā€¦I have my eye on you(and your grammer)

Should it not be thatā€™s?! :slight_smile: