Street for Christmas Party Venue

Please confirm that this was intentional Puke.

1-0 Macā€¦Damn it:mad:

Much much.

Yours in head dropping honesty,

I would be more worried about ā€˜grammerā€™.


Yours etc,


2-0 to Mac
Read back and look at your spelling,
Iā€™ll give you a hint: starts with g and ends in rā€¦


Thanks for the tip off lads. Iā€™ll chalk (note the lack of an e) that one down.


Jesus lads ye arenā€™t great to take a joke are yeā€¦Loosen up a littleā€¦I was hoping young Mac would pick up on it but ye all had to wade inā€¦

I did intentionally spell grammar wrongā€¦Although Mac the cute hoor caught me out with my ā€˜Thatsā€™ errorā€¦

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]Jesus lads ye arenā€™t great to take a joke are yeā€¦Loosen up a littleā€¦I was hoping young Mac would pick up on it but ye all had to wade inā€¦

I did intentionally spell grammar wrongā€¦Although Mac the cute hoor caught me out with my ā€˜Thatsā€™ errorā€¦[/quote]

Just keep the head down Puke and weā€™ll have no trouble.

[quote=ā€œThe Pukeā€]Jesus lads ye arenā€™t great to take a joke are yeā€¦Loosen up a littleā€¦I was hoping young Mac would pick up on it but ye all had to wade inā€¦

I did intentionally spell grammar wrongā€¦Although Mac the cute hoor caught me out with my ā€˜Thatsā€™ errorā€¦[/quote]

Go away to fuck
The old, " I knew all along and I was only testing excuse"
That used to work on me until I was about 8, (I never got over realising my father isnā€™t infallible)

Youā€™re digging a few holes today for yourself Puke.
I can see an IOTM nomination in the offingā€¦:):smiley:


[quote=ā€œW.B. Yeatsā€]Go away to fuck
The old, " I knew all along and I was only testing excuse"
That used to work on me until I was about 8, (I never got over realising my father isnā€™t infallible)

Youā€™re digging a few holes today for yourself Puke.
I can see an IOTM nomination in the offingā€¦:):smiley:


You probably donā€™t remember but the same thing happened to one of the Alliance on here(it could have been Ball ox) so I said I would crack a little personal jokeā€¦I will have a look and see can I find the thread for youā€¦


seeing as the puke wonā€™t be able to find his way in from DCU without his acolytes and nobody else can be bothered, can i boldly suggest the village as a starting point ?


Hold on there Art.

Less of the decisiveness.

[quote=ā€œfarmerinthecityā€]Hold on there Art.

Less of the decisiveness.[/quote]

apologies farmer, i think anywayā€¦

Farmer, I was chatting to Rocko earlier and he said he wants to have a word in your ear about the christmas party. I think heā€™s based on the 3rd floor of his new office building so if you want to stroll past it tomorrow morning then he should manage it if he sticks his head out the window.

Weird slant there Bandage.

Why bring Rock into it? Why not just say I want to have a chat with you tomorrow. I am on the third floor etc.

And your sister is as gamey as fuck.

Ah, 'twas his joke so I didnā€™t want to steal it due to copyright issues.