
With all your zen you love jumping on other fellas speaking out on their difficulties. You have your way and other lads might find peace in writing it on the Internet. Either way whatever works for you.

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Where do I jump on lads? Thereā€™s lads posting here and you couldnā€™t believe their watch.

Iā€™d do anything to help a genuine person in distress.


You could ignore rather than make sly comments again, as someone who has found zen it surprises me that you are so obsessed with what they have to say

I havenā€™t said anything here about anyone specifically. What in particular has you upset?

Start being more optimistic, pal.

Nothings upsetting me but your talking absolute bullshit then attacking BC out of nowhere. Is it not hypocritical? Could you just ignore him? Tbh the comment below is way below the belt

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Just ignore him heā€™s clearly struggling a lot. Heā€™s been desperately hoping for a reaction for ages.

Anybody that posts that sort of thing should be ashamed of themselves.


Youā€™ve done nothing wrong, donā€™t let them bully you.

You seem very upset by this which is bizarre. Your man is an out and out liar, and actually believes his own liesā€¦which is grand, but heā€™s well able to throw out a bit of abuse when it suits so should be able to take a few jibes back. I wouldnā€™t get so worked up about it.

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Theres abuse which everyone and here should be able to take but the noose comment was out of order

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Just ignore him he clearly isnā€™t in a good place.

How was it out if order?

Any cunt using ā€œ Suicide ā€œ & mental health issues to try and up his standing on the Internet is a dangerous little cunt.


Your man is pathetic. He hides behind mental health for likes on the internet. Itā€™s sick reallyā€¦

Iā€™m not ashamed to admit Iā€™ve been in therapy and have openly cried in counseling sessions. To see lads mock it for a laugh and a few likes on the internet is beyond wrong.


You are a noble man.

The other fella is a cunt.

Their is 4 of them. Give them a breakšŸ˜€

Lads here trying to out misery each other.

Very disappointed to see @fenwaypark and @caulifloweredneanderthal like this comment.

Wasnā€™t really following the thread @BruidheanChaorthainn but this was the part I was giving a like to, TBā€™s honesty about his own battles.