
Think I jumped the gun myself here,

Why is Covid-19 - 377.


That is absolutely awful

Whatā€™s the difference between choking, and a ā€œbreathing accidentā€?

I must of pulled that off Waterford Whispers or something, I only half read it. Got that badly wrong, my bad.

Iā€™m very sorry to hear this.

I clarified that a couple of weeks ago when the list was first posted.

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Hold on

And most importantly.

Arguments you will win on the internet.

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Tough on many indeed. Sorry to hear that unwelcome news.

The evenings are unreal long if you are on your own at the moment. Itā€™s very tough on people. Iā€™m doing my best to check in with as many friends as possible every day. I hope itā€™s over soon.


Sorry for your bad news @EstebanSexface

Not joking here kid but would you ever consider getting a dog? Theyā€™re unreal company.

Thatā€™s awful. Sorry to hear that.

Frightening people on here still mock people with mental health issues.

If some bit of good comes from the corona virus it might be that mental health issues are talked about more openly.

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Some lads on here mock mental health :laughing:

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I think most people do talk about it. Thereā€™s only so much talking can achieve, there will still be people who suffer.

I think talking can help and without being an expert one would hope the majority suffering in the past 12 months or so due to lock down will be fine once things start to open up and this pandemic is finished with once and for all.

That bit of hope can be huge for people.

Mental health is no laughing matter

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