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Someone in the regional hospital told me there were seven suicides over the weekend. I suppose that might encompass a bit of Clare and North Tipp as well as Limerick but that is still a staggeringly sad number if that is true.

People are struggling. Heard of a consultant who killed himself last week.

Is suicide a big problem in Japan - seems rampant and not just men

Is suicide not a bigger cultural issue in Japan? Suicide would traditionally have been seen as an honourable way to die. Hari-Kari and all that.


That’s awful. It’s a very tough time for people


It’s been a large part of their culture with Hari Kari seen as a noble act in the past. Must have some.connotations still.

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A friends sister gone the weekend and he buried another sister in the last 6 months for the same thing

The poor family



Very sad.

Its an awful time for people at the moment.


Sorry to hear that.

Ah for fucks sake

Sorry to hear that chief. Awful.

Some families get way more than their fair share of hardship.


That’s very sad for those left behind, two sisters gone to suicide in a few weeks. No words.

This thread. Puts the fear of Christ in me when I see a few posts mounting up on it.



Is a fall down the stairs not an accident?