
Sorry to hear that mate

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not suicide

Ah look, I wasn’t that close to her. Just sad as she’d been through an awful time of it, particularly during the lockdown when she wasn’t allowed visitors, and had looked to be improving.

May she rest in peace.


I’m sorry to hear that

Another case at the Cliffs of Moher this evening. A string of them across county Galway last week too.

It feels like there is an escalation in suicides recently, wonder does the data back this up? How good is the data?

As we start to come out the other side of this bastern virus, unfortunately it will take more victims in other ways.

It’s filthy data, there are so many of them put down to other reasons for myrad reasons. A disproportionate amount of them are young males obviously but anecdotally I have heard of an unusual amount of women dying by suicide recently


They only publish those figures annually and about 18 months in arrears. They also don’t give a true picture as any death an element of doubt will be put down as something else.


Yes, a few female suicides in Galway recently.

Did you know the fella in your neighbouring parish last week? I knew him years ago. Hadn’t spoken to him in a while but it’d rattle you to hear it.


Often for Life Assurance purposes unfortunately

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An 81 year old man took his own life out my way last week. Jesus you’d think when you’d get to that age suicide would be the last thing on your mind. Depression is an awful thing.

I was in school with his brother but didnt know that chap. Tragic stuff. He was buried today I think.


Young new Zealand track cyclist lass too. :slightly_frowning_face:

Was just reading about that there, only 24, awful.


I dunno. At 81, it’s teetering the line of self- euthanasia versus depression induced suicide. Personally, would see potential distinction in that scenario if it were the case


For all of us with elderly parent/parents could you refrain from sharing that kind of news in future maybe?

Life is life mate. Can’t shelter from it all the time.