
What are you on about?

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I knowā€¦.

The aul lad lives alone and shur reading that kind of news is never good.

As you said, you never know & life is life etc but if that news came to my door the guilt would be scary.

In saying all that the fucker wouldnā€™t move from his own abode for anyone or anything.
Heā€™d still tell you he gets lonely though. :pensive:


Awful sad , young boy in Derry 13 died in similar tragic circumstances a week or so back from what Iā€™ve been told, something to do with a tik tok video , his smaller brother found him, mental health affects all ages and classes,
Thank God for Pieta house and company or weā€™d see an awful lot more children and teens in that situation


I think thatā€™s what Iā€™d prefer, if I got to the stage where I was going to be burden and have a poor quality of life. Get everyone together, have a party, then toddle off into the sunset.


@TreatyStones = Bilbo Baggins


Yeah, Iā€™m same and said it to herself something similar about if and when physical/motor skills go and independent living dwindles. Paid cruise for everyone near and dear and off the back of the cruise ship.

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So some poor bastard will have to dive in after you?

No. Fish fodder.

Thats not how it will work. Redraw the plans. Maybe fire yourself into a slurry tank in Tipp.

Iā€™d sooner the grandkids wiping my arse than end my days in tipp

Remember that Tom Hanks film where he has a terminal illness so decides to jump into a volcano.

Sister Act 2?


I think it was called the bus that couldnā€™t slow down


I was at a course before which was discussing the numbers. The woman presenting said the same. She referred specifically to ā€œsingle car collisionsā€ where many could be clearly presumed to be suicides but not recorded as such.


Poor fucker, turned out he was grand after all.

Meg Ryan butā€¦

The Woodie harrelson suicide scene in three billboards outside ebbing Missouri is fcukin brutal ā€¦


Was only talking to an uncle about that recently. I was surprised to hear it but he said heā€™s known a number of people of his age go that way. Seems he knew more ladies than males to have done it with one only a few weeks back not long after her husband passed

It doesnā€™t bring the ā€œshameā€ (FFS sake) that an obvious suicide could bring on a family (this goes back to an older Ireland clearly). But it doesnā€™t bring any closure at all. No note, no explanation, no clarity as to whether it was a car accident or intentional.

If at that age and choose to go out that way, think theyā€™ve earned the choice of whether they want to explain or not. Perhaps, in the old persons mind, it would feel easier on kids to leave thinking accident as might feel guilty they could have done more

Oh yeah Harry, letā€™s not talk about these things, thatā€™s worked out well in the past ehšŸ˜.

Are you fine with reading about younger people taking their own lives?

Take a look at the Thread title. Nobody is forcing you to read it.