
You must have befriended the whole school?

There was a poster on here years ago called @Mark_Renton because he had a similar experience to the character in the film with a laurel hill girl.

Great days.

BDB taught us Accounting and Bidness for the LC great teacher and not one to tolerate messing rugby was practically non existent Liam Kennedy and Bonner were driving the hurling we won the Munster B in 15s and 16 and a half in 1989 and played Harty for the first time that year. Academically a lot was expected if you were above average, in my LC year one of my best mates got the highest result in the country in Business and another lad got the highest in Applied Maths. Mickey Field took over as principal after being there from the start in 1963 in 1989 and when he wasn’t too busy with his greyhounds! he really drove the school onwards. We got a half day in 1986 when Kyle Jack won the Irish Derby.


Bogman, punky, Spike, Timmy S, Brother Benny, Doc, Bobby B, Beaker the art teacher. Great characters :clap:


Dessie the cod eyed fucker!

Brother Benny: my first class back from Oz and I had brother Benny. Not 5 mins into the class and he wore a duster off a fella as he was too fat to get down the aisle to him!! Mad.

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A nice welcome to the Christian Brother approach to education there for you :grinning:.

I assume he has passed away now. I know Bobby has. Poor J Looby drowned in Lahinch.

Dessie was sound out in fairness. I played a few games under him on a b team in first/second year. None of us were ever going to come to anything but he still gave up his time to organise a few matches for us.

As for T Small the Tech Drawing teacher, god knows. Assume he no longer around. Poor man was tormented

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Terrible news breaking about an outstanding young sportsman from the west of Ireland.

Christ it’s an awful thing.

From the outside looking in you"d think this fella had it all. A role model for loads of people. You never know the dark clouds circling on the inside.



Jesus that’s crazy stuff. God rest him.

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My cousin’s 24 year old son was buried today after deciding to take an early exit from life earlier this week.

His uncle did the same about 9 years ago. My Mam was heavily invested in helping him at that time and his death put her in hospital with a mild heart attack.

My Mams sister has now lost a son and a grandson by suicide. She’s nearly at her wits end as this week’s events have resurfaced a bunch of stuff from the first suicide. It’s hard to make sense of it all really.

If you’re not well lads, it’s ok to ask for help. The nuclear option can nearly kill the people left behind. And if you suspect someone isn’t right, try be generous with your time. You never know what you could be preventing


Sorry to hear that news.

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Very sorry to hear that mac.

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Thats terrible @mac. Rip.

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Sorry to hear it @Mac

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Heartbreaking stuff deepest sympathy my own lad is the same age it’s always something you’d be conscious of as it’s unfortunately very prevalent with young people


Christ mac thats terrible. Extremely sorry to hear it

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Condolences @Mac , grim times all round. A classmate of mine buried a son during the week, 41.
Hard to make sense of it all. The light of Heaven to him.


Very sorry to hear this mac. Tough times

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