
Fuck sorry to hear that Mac. That’s a very tough road.

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Sorry to hear that @Mac

That’s a tough cross to carry for any family

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No words.

God bless ye all


Sorry to hear that, that’s very very tough

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Sorry for your troubles @Mac.

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Awful news. Very sorry to hear that.

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Fwiw, I’m talking with a neighbour of his from Tubbercurry and he’s under the impression it was a SADS scenario

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I also read ‘died in his sleep’

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It is such a terrible thing to hit families. A very good friend of mine was hit with it this week. Everyone feels so helpless. The mother is beside herself. What the the fuck do you do? The younger brother destroyed. The lad was early 20s and a fine young fella. We are all gutted for the family. But we all feel useless right now.


A desperate tragedy but I’d hope there is some chance of peace and closure from something like SADS vs a suicide. May he RIP

And then there are people online commenting on posts of his death talking about vaccinations and how it’s killing young people.

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Some people are just dicks :man_shrugging:


That’s awful @Mac. Thoughts with your poor auntie.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


Sorry for your family’s loss Mac. And well put. You can never know sometimes how much giving an extra bit of time or showing a bit of concern to someone can mean at the other end.


Jesus christ. Vaccines arent killing young people. You can argue how effective they are but thats neither the time or place. There is real endemic issue that is killing young people that should be addreesed as opposed to a looney tinfoil hat opinion

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This is awful sad - actually remember him playing for DCU v Maynooth this year as he was pinging the ball around for fun and stood out.

Sorry for your own news @Mac that is unbelievably hard


Seems it may be as first feared, fucking hell I’m not sure how you’d get your head around these things. God rest him and god help his family.

Thats shocking. Poor family.

Fuck me, two of these in the last two days,

The first, a distant relative by ‘marriage’ on my wife’s side. Left six kids under 12, one of which found him. A good for nothing brute to be honest but still extremely tough on the kids and partner.

The second, a young mother in her 40s, a neighbour at home. She worked in the nursing home where my auntie resides and I said hello to her on Sunday. A lovely jolly lady normally but obviously something going on behind. She leaves one kid and a husband.

It really is a horrible thing to come to terms with - and that’s just me speaking.