Sunday Indo are Cunts Thread

When are the pubs opening down south?

He did not and you’re talking out of your absolute hole here.

John Burton said the exact same thing he has said for the past 30 years.

John Bruton was one of the biggest obstacles to the peace process, he has nothing but utter contempt for Irish nationalism.

He has shown nothing but contempt for the plight of northern nationalists for his entire life and only someone who has taken an airbrush to Irish history could resonate with his views.


Are you a Second Captains subscriber?

You are dealing with the resident West Brit now in fairness!

I heard Bruton on Claire Byrne. Unless McConville has joined the DUP then he did not say the same thing as the unionist rhetoric that John Bruton espoused on Claire Byrne.

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Basically Sid has gone full Eoghan Harris without any equivocation of his past views.

So, given you haven’t answered the question about whether you subscribe to Second Captains or not, we can presume with a high degree of certainty that you haven’t heard the podcast.

So you’re saying McConville did not say what he said on a podcast despite you not having heard the podcast.

Ruth Dudley Edwards is paying me to post here. I’m also on a retainer from George Soros to post about other matters.

I’ve answered your question. You’re talking out of your arse here.

John Bruton espoused the same lines he has done for 30 years on Claire Byrne. He’s a committed unionist and he fully thinks it was correct nationalists were subjected to institutional sectarian discrimination by the arms of the British state.

You think that is sensible. That says it all.

You didn’t. You very conspicuously avoided the question.

You’re basically an Eoghan Harris parody.

Someone who posts emotional agenda driven nonsense without any shame about the absolute brazen level of contradictions you have with your past views.

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I heard the Claire Byrne show and I can guarantee you that what you said on Bruton speaking sensibly was complete tripe.

Ah yeah. Definitely.

So you haven’t heard the podcast. And thus have no knowledge of what McConville said.

I didn’t need to.

I already seen you were speaking out of your arse on Bruton.

Comparing a vote on the north to the marriage and abortion referenda is absolutely ridiculous.

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Cool. You know what was said on a podcast you didn’t hear. Right so.

Pretty dreadful numbers in favour of a UI down south considering how embedded in the national psyche to get reunification. Those numbers will narrow further when the true cost is told.

NI even worse. After the successful U.K. vaccine rollout, fence sitters will plump to stay in London for another while.

Strategically it would terrible to have a referendum in the next 5 years. I guess the failed Provos living off U.K. pensions are desperate for something meaningful in their lifetimes. I’m afraid until Jarry and co. go to hell, this won’t be a realistic proposition.


I know what you said on Bruton was fantasy stuff. So when you’re paralleling one thing to something that actually never happened then there is no point.

Not at all. The techniques used to win referendum campaigns on matters which are largely appeals to emotion will tend to be broadly similar.