Super Blues RIP (For at least 2020 anyway)



Itā€™s getting interesting. From reading the articles, it would appear Pat may have landed the FAI in bother here.

However, for the good of soccer in Limerick, I think itā€™s better if Pat heads for the hills and a new Limerick club emerges

That repeats the process that has occured how may times now? Take you statement above take Pat out and replace with Pat Grace/ Joe Young / The Yank investor. ( Iā€™m sure I am missing a few more names). If senior soccer is to thrive it must be a coming together of the junior clubs to form an umbrella senior club***.

*** its not going to happen

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Vitally important for the LOI and Limerick soccer folk that the club gets up n running again

Wasnā€™t that the Limerick 37 iteration?

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All well and good saying Pat should walk away from it for the good of Limerick Soccer. For all his ills, and there are a few, he supported it when nobody else would and he certainly improved things for a time. It has gone south in the last 2 years or less but he is still adamant that there is enough there to work in. He makes a very good point about the Academy. He self funded it at times and it is the clubā€™s best asset at present and what is being proposed is to basically hijack that Academy, that asset, and put it in a new clean entity while leaving the old entity with debt, a lot of which he took on when he took over the club.

Pat has a point :man_shrugging:


He has a point but, he canā€™t keep the assets and not the liabilities either. Heā€™s been promising a buyer/investor for two years with no sign of one. Since limerick fc no longer exist the academy players and staff are free to do as they like

Iā€™m not sure the court will view the seamless transfer of staff and Academy players from one entity to the other as free agents simply doing as they wish. There seems to have been a bit of orchestration going on, with FAI support, in order to kill the old entity off and transfer anything useful to the new entity while leaving the investor who had funded it all behind.

Legally he definitely has a case. Especially since they seem to have circumnavigated their own licensing process adding extra stipulations on for limerick that didnā€™t apply to others.
They should have let him apply and rejected the application rather than what they did which was a breach of process. Now thatā€™s all just his version of events, but the fact that the FAI are negotiating with him would lead you to believe they are worried he might have a point as well.

Even if they win and are allowed to apply for a licence theyā€™ll fail at that hurdle surely? Itā€™s what 5 weeks to kick off for the league? Hardly time for them to find a team and secure an investor etc.

heā€™s been struggling to pay wages to the players since 2018. the Well has run dryā€¦

all he wants to do is break it up for parts and redeem what he can out of it, which is totally understandable

Reading between the lines, I think he tied up a lot of his business with the club, renaming one of the businesses to Munster Football Club LTD for example. That means his own personal financial future, and that of his family, is strongly linked to the asset that is the Academy and any future monies it might make. In a way I feel a bit sorry for Pat, I genuinely think he was trying to do the right thing for soccer in Limerick and his heart was in the right place. Unfortunately his ego was there too.

I donā€™t think it was done out of the goodness of his heart pal. He saw an opportunity to invest and thought heā€™d get a return.
He let it get too big though and it was unsustainable. As soon as any body pumps in money into the LOI you get all the vultures around

The thing with him banning the only few serious fans Limerick had was gas, because they had the cheek to criticize Russell :smiley:

Pat had his heart in the right place and fair play to him 10 years ago but carry on since then is a disgrace.

He should walk away and leave someone else to rebuild. There is a demand for soccer in the city

There isnā€™t. The best local players wonā€™t play for Limerick FC. Theyā€™re getting paid to stay Junior. The crowds wonā€™t goā€¦ the vaunted move back to the Markets Field generated a bit of buzz alright but the crowds died off quick enough.

thereā€™s fuck all interest in it


There were decent crowds 3/4 years ago during the last promotion and start of the next season, what kind of gate would they need to maintain a professional team?

Cork regularly pull in crowds of 4 or 5k and they struggle financially as wellā€¦

Cork crowds tapered off last season .