Super Bowl LIX- The slippery slope to the Superdome

Nabors also looked like a superstar in the making tonight, despite a shocking and costly late drop

Giants lose to 7 field goals. I may sign out for 5 years

He looks real deal MJH. The way he cleared out corner on that last catch was something else too.

If they had a kicker themselves they’d have won
Not bad today

Kyler playing like the GOAT

There was a great quote from a scout when he was being drafted “ he runs and scrambles like a toddler running off with your phone”

Once you see it you can’t unsee it


McVey has got balls in fairness

Looks to me like a bunch of thugs harassing a completely innocent man, and then doing the same to others. Cowards hiding behind brown nylon and guns. Protect and serve my ass. Temper tantrum with bullets. Should all be fired imho. Cunts.

Oh Joe

Flag ?

A load of shit.

Game over with that flag

Mahomes is born lucky

That is just pure horseshit

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Chiefs and refs is gone beyond disgusting

No luck it’s blatant fuckin fixing at this stage.

Week after week for years now.

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No other team gets that call

Mahomes could eclipse Brady and I doubt anybody thought it would be done so quickly.