Super Bowl LIX- The slippery slope to the Superdome

He was being a gee bag not rolling down the window but the reaction from the po po was slightly over zealous

Tyreek did an interview with NBC where he claims he’s done nothing wrong and the police were being overly hostile. Looked to me he was acting like an absolute prick and invited them onto him. And the lads on a power trip weren’t gonna hold back from that.

Yeah for me neither side comes out of it looking especially good

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I’m not sure leaving your window up justifies the violence from the po po. They’re supposed to de-escalate a situation. Lot’s of people, particularly black folk, would be very nervous being pulled over like that. Not saying he was, but the cops should be doing a whole pile better.

4 cops for a traffic citation?

cops totally mishandled the situation. they got the licence and registration and could have cited there. they massively escalated a simple situation and used excessive force. one of the cops in particular was on a power trip

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Why was he pulled over? Speeding?

Of course they should. No need to drag him out like that. But he put the cops in a difficult decision. If someone won’t cooperate with you it’s very hard to do your job. I know this from experience

cited for careless driving

They’d have been entitled to shoot him in the face

careless driving is nebulous enough to also be cop code for black guy in a car which we think doesnt belong to him

cos he rolled the window up?

Precisely. Me man was so sure he didn’t give a fuck even knowing he was body cam’ing

Roaring at the cop not to bang his window and then rolling it back up in his face. If you did that to an Irish Garda would you expect them to nod approvingly at you?

They would smash the window in

I wouldn’t expect 4 Irish Garda for a routine traffic stop.

He rolled up the window, and you think that justifies the actions of the cops thereafter?


is rolling your window up at a garda, after youve been pulled over for a minor traffic infringement and handed over your licence, an arrestable offence?

I’d say if a guard pulled over a car like that (McLaren?) I say a heap of them would magically appear for a good gawk at it


You’re the man with the verified legal qualifications so you shouldn’t need to ask me

Did I say the actions were justified?

well youve decided to wade in so lets be having your answer