Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

I thinks the Rams will do it tonight… Wirfs and Jensen are huge losses for the buccs.

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Are they out?

Talk is they will both play but both are seriously banged up. High ankle sprain is a slam dunk 4 week lay off that guys don’t play through normally - yet Wirfs is going to tonight.

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Ridiculous shit!

Jensen is mild I think.

They ran out of ideas after the first drive.

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Easy win tonight for the Rams. Brady is finished. Having studied all the metrics I am now of the opinion that Josh Allen has what it takes to be victorious in his dual with Paddy Mahomes

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Go Away No GIF by phlywheel


The Bucs haven’t been convincing of late. all year long as soon as theyve looked to hit their groove they’ve been hit with injuries. They’ve also been flag heavy this year, possibly a hangover from last year, but also teams lifting it for SB champions so they’ve gotten everyone’s best all year on top of big injuries. The Rams celebrated beating them like they’d won the bowl earlier this year.

The Rams D is good, but it’s not elite. They get a bit of hype over Donald , but Ramsey is possibly the only elite player they have. That’s not to say they can’t smoother Brady today with a banged up OL. But they’ve been humbled by some average teams themselves. Brady has faced much better Ds and prevailed with less pieces… I’m thinking that Broncos D from 2012-16, they were killers. I still maintain one of his best performances was the 2015-16 AFC game at Milehigh… His banged up OL were obliterated and he must have been sacked 9 times… they murdered him but he stood in there and took it and was a 2 point conversion away from OT.

Biggest problem for bucs is lack of chemistry on offense, losing Brown and Godwin would derail any team. Gronk might predominately a blocker again with the OL injured…It will largely be down to D again you’d imagine and they look to be hitting full health at the right time. They’re really gonna have to Knock Stafford around the place…
Overall Tampa don’t match up well with Rams but they’ve had an extra day, no travel and there’s also McVay.

Donald is the best player in football and it’s not even close you dope


Over hyped.

Donald not elite??
That’s a bold take

He’s just a fat headed prick.

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@Chucks_Nwoko our man had this last week on the pod

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Wirfs out.

Rams gonna do it.

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Kevin James being touted as the replacement