Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

They had the same weapons agains the buccs last year…albeit a worse o line

Mahomes was injured though.

If he keeps running the ball the way he did last night that could happen again though

No chance

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You should Sioux them


They have a ton of weapons alright. Even having a fully mobile Mahomes with no foot injury means teams have to use a safety/linebacker as a “spy” in case he takes off. That wasn’t as apparent towards end of last season. A team with a good run game and that can keep Mahomes off the field will have a chance. You can only hope to slow them down. If you cant do that hope to win turnover battle. Bills D could do none of those things last night. If they had presence of mind to avoid a touch back from kick off we wouldn’t even be having this conversation as Chiefs would have probably required a hail Mary.

Aaron Donald will sort Mahomes.

He’ll destroy Mahomes. An elite player like him up against a one trick pony in Mahomes, no contest.

I think either of those two are a bit of an insult to Mahomes to be honest. His stature in the game is already cemented and it will continue to grow. If I were to compare him to another sportsperson I would say he reminds me of Steph Curry - both doing absolutely ridiculous things every night they play. You are absolutely right about the genius bit though.

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Come to think of it, Zidane might be a decent comparison in the soccer world. A guy who just looks a division or two better than everyone else on the pitch, even at the highest level. An artist improvisor who makes moves no-one has seen before and makes them look effortless. And then the complete ice in the veins. Loves the big occasion.


edit: nah doesnt really fit

Allen Iverson

Except when he got sent off on the biggest stage for getting wound up and nutting an opponent

here fuckheads comparing quarterbacks to soccer players. cant be at that shite.

This is a gaa forum, you need to be comparing them to hurlers for it to be right.

Cian Lynch


Yeah, they both throw the ball hahahaha ha!

a good comparison actually…

Tom Brady can be Shefflin a boring ol cunt with a boring ol cunt of a coach

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You steamer.

:rofl: :rofl: “steamer”

Listen sport just because some of your forbears were too cowardly to do the decent thing at wounded knee doesn’t mean I have to listen to a word that comes out of mongrel trap

Mahomes is the Aaron Rodgers of Football

eh, I think you’ll find they are polar opposites. Mahomes actually performs when the chips are down. Plus his team mates actually like him. And despite having a gobshite girlfriend and an absolute clown of a brother, he still has a lot of time for his family.

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Somebody on here put up a magnificent about Tom Brady last year. I think it was @johnnysachs or @Gman I’m not sure but a part of Brady’s greatness was the how he and his sides stopped dynasty’s from forming.

The seahawks would have backed up. Mahomes could be going this season for his 3rd or 4th super bowl at the age of 26.

Last nights action was also a timely reminder of the greatness off straight knock out games in all sports.