Super Bowl LVI - The intricate incline to Inglewood (Part 1)

He gets another $14 million or so for holding the announcement back a week?

at last hes thanking alex gurerro, the man who made it all possible

Sad that someone leaked it originally but it’s still the end of an era. Love him / hate him he was a huge part of the game for 22 seasons. I’ll miss him with all my heart :broken_heart:. Thank you for everything Tom.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to announce my retirement from the board after the upcoming Superbowl. Like Tom, I have no world’s left to conquer and it’s time to concentrate on new ventures.

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Well done mate. It’s mildly disappointing that you feel you can’t carry on without Tom but it is what it is. You were always a top top poster but knowing you nicked my starbars has never sat right with me.
Good night and god bless.

We still have two weeks left together, let’s not worry about what’s in the past and just enjoy each other in the time we have left.


I won’t be giving out about the price of an All Ireland Ticket again


Worth every cent. You’d be as well to go for a $10k ticket than a $6k.

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Just put 100k on Joe Burrow and the day pays for itself :sunglasses:

A weekend backing @BruidheanChaorthainn’s tips pays for it handy

Thank you Jimmy for a roller coaster few seasons, whatever about his limited abilities the man is a gent, best of luck to him.


Being reported that the Broncos are being put up for sale. What was the last team that would have changed ownership?

Jags or Panthers?

jags were bought before pegulas bought bills iirc, so prob panthers

Panthers a couple of years back when Tepper bought them from that creep Jerry Richardson

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It’s been coming for a while.

$4bn value apparently. Lots of fans hoping Manning leads up a groups of investors as opposed to Bezos or Ballmer getting it.

Great news

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The man was disgracefully treated.

Calling out the old boys network for the cunts they are

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