Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Exceptional my ass


Canā€™t give this enough likes

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It was only being reported earlier this eve that he had won the RB1 job. Life comes at you fast

Jimmy G is staying on a restructured contract as the leagues highest paid back up.

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Why are they extending him before heā€™s even thrown a pass for them?

Because heā€™s the best in the business

At what?

Being good for 10-12 games and then getting injured and limping to the end of a mediocre season.


Some going for the 3rd best QB in his division at this moment in time.

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Restructuring how the money is paid out to him


Ah right, that makes some sense then

On Superbowls won heā€™s joint first.

ā€œAt this moment in timeā€ pal. He is a shadow of the player he once was, trust me I saw plenty enough of the cunt in the NFC West in his pomp. His legs are gone.

jeff bridges opinion GIF

He wonā€™t need to run for his life anymore, heā€™ll be reborn as the best pocket passer in the game

I wouldnā€™t swap him for anybody in a vacuum though the Broncos arenā€™t ready just yet

Weā€™re balling this year. Book your ticket to the dance.


He wonā€™t be able to see anything down the field from in there