Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Lots of teams falling out with their QB and with their fan base over this trade.

Mad money heā€™s getting after everything. Doesnā€™t say much for the NFL with the scramble to sign him.

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If the glove donā€™t fit

Nfl more than any other sport really does not give a shit about the integrity of what players do off field. Smoking some weed will be punished far worse than raping or killing someone. The fact so many scumbags were on teams and retained or resigned says it all about teams mantras and the league itself. And i include my beloved Patriots in that too who are happy enough to pick up these scraps on cheap deals and give a second chance even tho they have very questionable histories


True. I guess I thought the publicity about this case and the catalogue of previously mishandled cases would have embarrassed the league into collectively just excluding the guy. But that was just naive.

Itā€™s a bizarre moral code where the team holding the contract at the time of the misdemeanour is generally obliged to cut the player but then another team can pick them up unless they go full Ruggs.


Roethlisbergers situation was worse, it was never an issue to the NFL. I think he only got a game or two worth of a suspension and that was the end of it. There is only 10/15 franchise QBs out there and they are printing presses for teams. Says it all about the NFL


When you look at how quick they were to act against Calvin Ridley despite the mitigating circumstances in his case it shows you the wanten hypocrisy of it all


Cleveland paid to get their boy. And that loophole to prevent him forfeiting money probably sealed the deal. Max loss of $1m if heā€™s suspended this season.

Same as what the niners traded away for Trey Lance??

Big move for the Browns, if they get their recruiting right theyā€™ll be contending very soon

Rookie QBs always hold a premium because of their relatively low cost against the cap so hard to compare trade values.

Browns do appear to have a lot in place to make a challenge alright. Very tough division but they should be a 10 win team with Watson.

Tough blow for David Ojabo at the Michigan pro day.

Sounds like he did his Achilles during one of the drills. He was going to be a top 20 pick and one of the better stories of the draft. Interesting to see where he goes now.

Heā€™s the Scottish chap yeah?


The replies to this tweet say it all with how the fans also by and large do not give a crap about how much of a scumbag their favourite player or team is. Maybe theyre right, separate the person and their off field from the sport. I dont buy into it though. By far the worst sport for these takes


Shitty behaviour from the Browns

2023 6th round pick. For nattin.

Going on 30 coming off an ACL and has a big contract with a lot of guaranteed money on it.

Bengals beef up o-line even more with the signing of Laā€™el Collinsā€¦

Good work in the off season by the GM