Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

49ers v the bengals would have been right up there with Argentina v France. Now weā€™ve this wanker fest.

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Thanks buddy

Love reading over the seethe here this morning

A lot of anger from disaffected & possibly unvetted young men of military age.


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Ah it was unbelievable. There was a do over on 3rd down for reasons no one knows, a ridiculous hold call on Hilton ā€¦ Youā€™ve the below at the end.
Over all Bengals werenā€™t good enough but it was a disgraceful refereeing performance.

Iā€™m not sure how people can argue the late hit call? He was well out of bounds. I know it was difficult for Ossai to stop but unfortunately that doesnā€™t really matter

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Itā€™s not the call itself itā€™s the fact there was clear as day holding on the Bengals player before Mahomes even took off on the run, fouls by both teams, offsetting penalties and repeat the down. It was shocking officiating and its a recurring theme with the Chiefs.

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What was the official reason for that?

from recollection, on the previous 2nd down play, the clock was stopped when it should have been running (or vica versa) and as the third down play was happening, they realised the error and claimed they tried stop the play from starting. But the chiefs ran the play, didnt convert, and had their punt team out on the field until they were all called back and the third down play was re done. they got the tiniest tackiest of PI flag then on the play to give them a first down.


Footage shows the ball was snapped and Mahomes was releasing it then a ref comes flapping. The PI on Hilton was farcical, even Romo and Mike Pereira said as muchā€¦ The Burrow grounding was also very iffy, he had Perine in the areaā€¦ It was a collection of very dubious callsā€¦ Then the no call on the punt return and the non holding call on that last play. I know you get some and lose some of these but the fact they all happen 4th quarter and in a short period of time looks really bad. Sherman called out the officiating in both games in his podderā€¦

I think the Bengals didnā€™t do enough to win. Their redzone was poor and they went 3 and out after the Mahomes fumble, just not good enoughā€¦ Their D were getting them the ball back but they just werenā€™t converting.

The Chiefs gave them a huge chance by punting with 2:30 on the clock. They couldnā€™t use it and gave the ball back to Mahomes with 30 seconds and a timeout left.

At least it was exciting. The other game was a complete bust.

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you sure? was that not when they went for it on 4th and 6 for the huge play to Chase and then got the TD after? They werent as bad as some think all things considered. Their O line was battered and they had the refs not calling flags for them and calling them against them, but the box score still has them close enough really, not enough in it to say one team dominated over the other. Once the Bengals made adjustments they were better and they nullified Kansas and got moving themselves.

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I thought they got off the field after the fumble but it was lateā€¦ Chiefs were playing left to right for fumble and Burrow deffo took over playing right to leftā€¦ The chase catch was from left to right so unless there was an end of quarter in-between and they switched sides???

Thereā€™s fuck sll between the teamsā€¦ A FG has settled 4 games (fair play to @carryharry and his crazy prediction) but the Bengals were given every opportunity to win that (refs aside) and they didnā€™t capitalize.

Theyā€™ll be back better next yearā€¦ Healthy OL and they have plenty of picks to beef up the D.

Yeah it was at the end of the third and the play to Chase was the first of the 4th.

But you make a good point. In spite of the refs and all the shite, they had the ball with 2.30 left and didnt get it done. You look at yourself first before blaming others, and when it mattered most, their O line crumbled.

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I missed 6 mins of the 3rd :sleeping::sleeping:

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Interceptions were the difference looking at that & Burrows was lucky he didnā€™t throw one on their first drive too

71 yards on penalties helps too :person_shrugging:t2:

Burrows put the ball into dangerous spots, Mahomes didnā€™t