Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Donā€™t do it, the situation with player contracts in the NFL is just impossible

Although I do look forward to the explanations all the same

He signed a ā‚¬50m contract and it was split over the duration of his contract, and he then signed a ā‚¬15m extension to keep the whole package rolling. In the NFL, they often push the back end payments out to later years to fit their current cap space. So Brady restructured his contract so he wasnt paid at the time and would get it later. This now impacts them, and they are pushing to have it go further into 2024, so theyā€™ll have payments to him counting for 2 years after his retirement.

The benefit to doing this for teams is that they can have top players in certain positions or at the end of contracts stay with them, and other players might be willing to forego guarantees or instant payment to keep the team stronger. But it will come eventually once the player leaves, and this is happening now for the Bucs.

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So heā€™s walking away knowing that theyā€™ll have to pay him for two years when he wonā€™t be playing.

What a cunt.

an absolute bollix.

Come back to me when Russ leaves Denver and see how the cap space is then and youā€™ll know all about how bad it can be


Whatā€™s the story if he had to retire injured? Same impact?

This cap shite is the absolute worst thing about the sport. Itā€™s not national accounting league

Contracts get what they call prorated in the nfl to manoeuvre around the salary cap. So they can give a player a contract with guaranteed bonuses which they have to pay regardless but they spread them over multiple years to limit the hit against the salary cap in a given year. So they give Brady 50 million in bonuses but add what they call void years - meaning they still pay him when not on the team.

Means they have to pay him 35 mill or so over the next 4 years for services rendered this season. It allows them to take a big swing and add talent while he is there but it is kicking the can down the road and at some point the whole roster will need to be torn down and rebuild with cheaper players to get their salary cap right again. This is why teams normally have short windows of success


same impact, but far bigger. I think I saw somewhere that it was over 100m if they cut him and 80m if they trade him. they are proper fucked if Peyton cant get him going next year, big decision to be made.

Not that it would happen but, if another team traded for Wilson and commited to paying his salary would the dead cap space be gone?

Did something like that happen with Osweiler?

Iā€™m sure they could offload him and his salary but theyā€™ll get nothing back in return,
Iā€™ve always been a fan and Iā€™ve no doubt heā€™ll turn it around, need to put sone pieces in place around him

I figure the same. Doubt hell ever get back to his best but with a good run game he coukd def put together a good couple of seasons.

I think Javonte is ready to dominate, heā€™s a powerful runner
Jeudy beginning to look like the highly touted rookie he was, Sutton is continuing to disappoint though, get the pieces right and Russ will make hay

The Bobby Bonilla contract is the pinnacle of US sports accounting

Chelsea are doing the exact same thing atm. Buying lads for huge money and then giving them nine year contracts.

Fuck, just saw now that Brady has retired, I thought heā€™d go for one more year somewhere else
He certainly could anyway

The third finest QB Iā€™ve ever watched, and the greatest of them all. Hope he adds a second avocado to the ice cream tonight, heā€™s earned the extra fats.


I saw Tommy John pitch in Yankee stadium

No, itā€™s better overall. It keeps things even. At the start of every year there must be about 10 teams who genuinely fancy their chances of winning it. And the salaries would just be disgusting otherwise.

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Trask hasnā€™t a clue, bless him.

We all want Jameis back for the shits and gigs.