Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Two Irish muldoons fighting over which multi millionaire US sportsman is less crooked. Splendid.

Whoā€™s fighting?

You looking for a fight?

I had a similar discussion to this with @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy a few years back who was saying it was ok for Lance Armstrong to funnel donation money into his own pocket for ā€˜speaking and engagement feesā€™

In fairness cycling and drugs are two of his life passions so why wouldnt he support Lance?

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Damn right


Welcome aboard pal

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Where you lead bro

Thats a super article. ā€˜Almost nothingā€™. From their joint charity. And then says later on that over 600k was donated during years. And their their joint charity. If you want his dodgy charity dealings at least look at his actual charitable foundation, not his wifes wishy washy one. Luckily Brady doesnā€™t go on about charity and get a man of the year award from his lies.

This is superb Brady fan boying.

Wilson donates over $2m in a two year period, which should have been more only for questionable governance and administration, and heā€™s a cunt because he was awarded the Payton man of the year by the NFL.

Brady set up a foundation with his billionaire wife 12 years ago that has given fuck all to charity but itā€™s ok cos there was a $600k donation once and they donā€™t like to claim theyā€™re charitable people.

Wilson is under investigation and some knob head goes on a Brady witch-hunt :rofl:

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I didnā€™t realise we had a Broncos fan on here. I didnā€™t see him posting about them all season

The rings are circling.

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Quick, look over thereā€¦

Iā€™m sorry if you and @Thomas_Brady dont loke the hyoocrisy bring pointed out here but itā€™s there for everyone to see.

Thereā€™s lot of other NFL players I could have looked into but, given the fan boy that was posting the article, Brady seemed the most appropriate.

No mention of Russellā€™s big award last night either.

Itā€™s hilarious how much the Brady fan boys have it in for Wilson.

I didnā€™t think heā€™d register on your radar.

Are you not following your heroā€™s example and retiring from the board (again) this year?

I was posting consistently all season buddy.

Nasty business. Thats a human being there.