Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Peyton :joy:

A lot of empty seats at the Pro Bowl

Sure itā€™s prime time

homer simpson eating GIF


His contract is the stumbling block. He needs to climb down a bit. Heā€™s free as of Feb 15th I think

Youā€™d wonder how many more sportspeoples foundations work like this.

Quite a few seemingly.

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Itā€™s how a lot of bidness gets done in the states. Sad to see a current QB at it tho after his recent mega bucks deal.

Well thats not remotely surprising.

Sadio and Craig Bellamy better be fucking clean though.

Just when you think Tom Brady couldnā€™t possibly get any lower you see something like this

Brady is white so the racists will ignore it

And rightly so.

Probably only scratching the surface of his cuntishness.

More to come yet Iā€™d imagine.

This is chillingā€¦

Shocking that they get away from this. Should be closer to 100%.

Still 50% is better than 0% ā€¦

Which is what Brady gave ā€¦

Over a 12-year period.

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let russ cook, the books

Shockingā€¦ What did he receive for signing with the Broncos? 240m?