Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Nfc 40 afc 39 tie 1

Shitty graph that gives update on who beat who

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Actual question, what if it was a tie game at the end of OT? Would it go to a replay?

Fuck sake :joy:

Nope unlimited overtime periods until theres a winner.

Brady has written to the NFL to confirm his intention to retire so nearly impossibile for come back. Eligible for the HOF in 2028 but on ability alone hardly deserving.



He’ll get it in longevity akin to Frank Gore.

Can’t remember which analyst put it this way…

Was he the greatest regular season qb: no that was Peyton Manning

Was he the greatest Superbowl qb: no that was Joe Montana

Tom Brady was the qb that played the longest

As a kinda lifetime achievement award. Yeah i get that. He should be excluded a la Pete Rose is in baseball for obvious reasons but littke chance of that. Even if his crime is way worse than Roses

Game managed his way to a few Superbowls but was found wanting in the clutch stakes compared to Eli, and unable to outsling Nick Foles. Tremendous longevity and aura

Superbowl weekend and everyone is obsessing about Brady :heart_eyes:

Too many fan boy saying he did nothing wrong…

Nothing wrong but still suspended…strange…

A classy move to release the retirement video the week of his movie release also.

Tom only cares about money.

Galway 0-13 Cork 2-20

That’s a chart of the 2021 results. Whatever about the overall record of NFC v AFC, there’s no denying the Eagles have had a soft run of it.

I’ve already eaten my snowball snacks

It’s time to fly.

It’s a real pickem tonight…

Who I do want to win less?

The cunts named chiefs, with their feather headwear and Indian chants… Horrible bastards

If I go for a nap now, what time should I set my alarm for for kick off?


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What are the non Sky options tonight? Virgin and BBC?