Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Has she another bun in the oven?


Looks like it.

Backup singers look like dancing sperm.

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@johnnysachs the deviant fucker on about mounting her

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The hewer

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Chiefs have possession first after half time. If they score on the opening drive then it’s very much game on but, as I said to @Fran after the Conference Championsip games, this match will be won at the line of scrimmage and the Eagles have the best O and D-lines in the league.

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Cant get pregnant again i suppose :person_shrugging:t2:

Not even married No wonder that lad up the North threw her off his land


We found Love is a masterpiece
Rihanna de-sexualizing the set here, in relative terms middle age beer blokes won’t appreciate, more clothes than flesh for dancers and all. she is one of the greatest arists of our days. Great role model

Get this has been off the stage. A bloated mess.

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I kept expecting her to take her jacket off but I guess she’s too classy to sexualise her baby bump

Chris Brown will sort her after the show.

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Rihanna just won the Superbowl

All those songs are at least 10 years old. She’s past it

She was out of sync with the mime a lot too

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The women are often out of sync when stuffed

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My favourite Rihanna song

The greatest halftime show of all time

The weeknd probably the best of recent years… Need to get back to some rock acts and do away with the female acts. They’ve all been shite.


That wasn’t a show, that was a statement