Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Congratulations to Coach McDaniels and the Fins.

Jalen Hurts athleticism is something else but he seems completely incapable of throwing the ball down the middle of the field.

Burrow burrowing

Not Chase’s day.

That deserved a TD

Ooohh could be a torn pec for Watt

Early games finishing with a flourish

Robby Anderson going to all the hassle and cost of changing his name to end up now being called Robbie Anderson

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Is it pronounced robeye now ?

Chase is a freak of nature

Chase, never in doubt.

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What a sequence for us Saints and Bengals die hards

Has a team ever won a game after Coughing up 5 turnovers?

Oh my God

Ah lads :joy:

And tis only week 1 :joy:


Welcome to Redzone lads

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Im gone up to sing twinkle twinkle to the little one