Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

That’s very good, I’m still smiling :slightly_smiling_face:

Dangerusswilson? FFS

He’s at it again with the voice changing.

Wilson triggering everyone.

Love to see it.

Bosa will trigger him tonight. Click clack.

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What the fuck is that shit?

Wilson is after getting paid, he could not give a toss after that

He’s only having a bit of fun, Jesus, some lads are absolutely joyless :man_shrugging:

Scott Hansen, the greatest sports presenter in the world

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Montgomery fucked :man_facepalming:

The Jets being the Jets.

Montgomery and Pringle gone.

We will be doing well to win this

Patriots offence is fairly cat this year.

Filthy play on Tee Higgins

Very dirty. A real cheap shot.

Dropping like flies here

Tua taken out

He’s done