Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona


Fuck off Jimmy.

Wilson will turn out to be a historically bad signing. He is terrible

His legs have been graduallyslowing down for a couple of years now… The OL was blamed in Seattle but he’s just not a very smart QB.

i.e. he is a bum


Two great teams going head to head tonight.

What did Rodgers see on the Jumbotron?

What’s this?

You don’t know?

Going to be a slog staying up watching this, there may not be a touchdown before the half

There should have been right there. CeeDee had one like that last week as well if I remember correctly

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Great timeout from Dallas there, zero respect

some shit game. probably better that it is shit at this time of night.

Danny eventually turns one over, and that’s the ball-game

Shepard is made of glass

His white Voice today.


A weird weird individual

Is he taking the piss? He has to be

Or has he had a few concussions ? He’s a bit dead in the eyes