Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Heā€™s always been that way, serious David Brent/Alan Partridge vibes off him

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If its ironic heā€™s a genius if not thenā€¦ jaysus

Russel is a creep. Definitely has bodies buried in his cellar

Heā€™s serious. A complete Timmy.

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Comedy Central Mm GIF by Workaholics

Subway went out and found a spokesman more disturbing than jared fogle


An upshot from this meeting

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Pete Carrol worked miracles with that lad

He put the claps on Jefferson last weekend as well and looks to be coming of age. Absolutely bullied Jefferson at the line of scrimmage

Tua pick, awful throw into double coverage.

Karma for Tua after theatrics in the play before.

This is fucked up

Shouldnā€™t have been out there

Beauty from Burrow

I have officially chosen the Bengals as my team for this year

Wishing the best for Tua, sounds bad.

Money Mac with a 64 yarder
