Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

Is there any point in even watching this Dolphins game?

Yes. Jets will give them a right game but lose eventually in the most excrutiating of circumstances imaginable

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Oh good

I’m starting to think our biggest achievement is that β€œ1” on the end of the Eagles’ record

Rodgers injury changed everything in an instant, what could have been.
They’ll be a force next year, still work to do but Saleh is a brilliant coach

Depends on if he can come back or not. Really felt like we were going balls out for this year.

He’s 100% playing next year

But will he be as good? WILL HE?!

Tim Boyle

Best drive the Jets have had in ages

Jaysus having games last night and tonight is unreal


Perfect excuse to let the young chap sleep on me while avoiding Toy Show :+1:



Wife gone home to watch it with her nieces. Just myself, the dog, a bottle of wine and Sauce Gardner.
Will give Woolie a look at 9pm.


Is the day after Thanks Giving a holiday aswell?

Give me strength

No and yea.

black friday

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Please do offense guys. Just once

Jets although putrid on Offence are still very much in this.