Super Bowl LVIII - Viva Las Vegas 🐐

They haven’t scored atouch down in about 40 drives

Wilson is a better option than Boyle from what I’m watching here

Game fucking on now.

Tua :joy:

I missed it.


Game on

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Put Zach In FFS

im very much behind the jets tonight, only one condition and thats that you let mostert score a TD

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Those fucking Jets :joy:

Tua Turndaballova

By god

Oh my god

The Jets are a rabble

That’s a terrible turnover

Hold my beer says Tim

Ah for fucks sake

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Tim Boyle is atrocious

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maybe zach wasnt the problem they thought he was

He was. But if Boyle is the solution your better off with the initial problem

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I prefer Phoebe with the glasses

In fairness to Boyle the much vaunted Jets D look about as useful as a Guard on O Connell street here

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That’s not the jets defence