
Slow down and deepen your breathing and you can stay in a good while, it’s fantastic.


I am. Today was absolutely glorious. Sun beating down, clean powerful waves. Took the kids in and we did about 25 mins in there. Fucking frozen afterwards the two of them but loved every second of it.
It definitely does get too cold to swim, unless you put a suit on, which is pointless imo. January and february are the worst. But it gives you some buzz and theres a few of us that do it so its good craic. I definitely believe it boosts your immune system.*

*until the day it kills me.


If you could do 25 mins today you’d have no bother doing ten year round!

Ah today was special. Waves were perfect. You could bodysurf 20yards easily. Definitely warmer with waves like that.


There hasn’t been a proper cold snap so water temperature won’t really drop too much until there is one. It’s cold getting in and out though.

The water in Waterford and the Celtic Sea in general is colder. I was down in Kerry on business last week and went in for a dip in Inch. Water felt like a sauna there compared to what I’m used to.

Get it done lads. A bit of work. A quick hiit session in the gym then a dip at low rock. Buzzing.


@Juhniallio - I’d say you’d enjoy Nyad

It’s on Netflix. Very good.

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Fucking baltic today lads. Recovering from a big night last night so went for a dip. Hadnt been in a few weeks. Christ it was cold.

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I’ve not had a chance to get in in about four weeks now. I’ll get in the Atlantic in around new year. Getting in towards the coldest few months of it now.

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FAO all swimmers and @Spidey @Tank
The ladder at High Rock has now been installed and should be fully operatiinal in a couple of days.
The local labour Councillor got the job done in double quick time while @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's lot are sneaking around advising builders for cash.


this one?


They need ladders to get the immigrants back onto the boats

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Lovely that will save me a spin to Sandycove on Christmas morning after presents. High tide 10:20 too. Everything’s coming up Milhouse.

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Ringsend is a long way from your 15mins so no.

Any way if thats the level youre at now…

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Check this out.

INever seen a leg drive quite like it.

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I went in for a dip in the Guillemeine in Tramore this afternoon. Water is just far too warm for late December. No proper cold bite in it.


That is absolutely insane! You’d swear he has fins! And how long he leaves the hand glide before pulling.

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A bow wave just from the kick.

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I stood on the sea up to my neck a couple of days ago and didn’t think it was cold. Surprisingly warm.

Plenty cold enough on the Velvet Strand this morning